
Showing 1-25 of 57
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 以多維度AI融合雜誌屬性與封面人物預測讀者喜好度 conference pdf(26)
2023-12 聚焦物件主體的深度學習廣告影像檢索 conference pdf(20)
2023-01 Multiple Organ Classification based on Deep Learning and Isolated Annotation conference 說明頁(166)
2022-11 Content-based Commodity Search Engine using Convolutional Image Retrieval conference 說明頁(166)
2022-11 Image Retrieval and Identification of Abdominal Organs based on Convolutional Features conference 說明頁(166)
2022-11 Analysis of Chinese Calligraphy Fonts Using Content-based Image Retrieval conference 說明頁(184)
2021-12 Automatic Defect Recognition Model of Terminal Block Connectors using Transfer Learning conference 說明頁(120)
2021-12 Establish a Contact Tracing Mechanism Based on a Graphical Relevance Structure conference 說明頁(180)
2021-06 以卷積神經網路建立醫學影像檢索 conference 說明頁(182)
2021-06 以量化分析廣告圖建立自動化商品分類 conference 說明頁(194)
2021-06 以詮釋資料轉譯與呈現醫學影像屬性與功 能 conference 說明頁(197)
2021-06 以影像辨識分析公眾人物的形象 conference 說明頁(184)
2021-06 以機器學習預測日本戲劇之收視率與其影響要素 conference 說明頁(196)
2021-04 以影像特徵結合詮釋資料建立自動化醫學報告 conference 說明頁(236)
2021-01 Automated Classification of Ischemic Stroke in Carotid Color Doppler using Deep Learning conference pdf(177)
2020-12 Decrypt the cover of fashion magazines with artificial intelligence conference pdf(208)
2019-09 Malignancy Assessment of Brain Tumors using Convolutional Neural Network conference pdf(154)
2019-01 Quantitative Diagnosis of Rotator Cuff Ruptures Using Sonographic Pattern Recognition System conference
2018-11 Computer-aided Diagnosis using Deep Learning Method for Mycobacteria Bacilli Detection in Digital Whole Slide Images for Cutaneous Mycobacterial Infection conference
2018-08 A transferred deep learning brain tumor classification model conference
2018-03 Establishment of automatic detection and classification system of ischemic stroke in brain computed tomography conference
2018-03 Quantitative Evaluation of Mitral Regurgitation by using Color Doppler Ultrasound conference
2018-02 An Analyzation Model of Melanosis Coli Colonic Mucosa Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix conference
2018-02 Development of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Prognosis in Diabetic Macular Edema conference
2018-02 Novel Machine-Learning Algorithm to Automatically Predict Visual Outcomes in Diabetic Macular Edema Patients Treated with Intravitreal Ranibizumab conference