Publications- All

Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 Returning to a Displaced Space on the Side of the Road: Ethnic Migrants and Their Return to Northern Shan State, Myanmar conference pdf(95)
2023-09 Economic Development, Ceasefire Capitalism and Land Concession in Northeast Myanmar (Burma) conference web page(80)
2023-07 Language Ideology book/chapter
2023-06 Translocal (Im)mobility and Space of Alterity: Return Migration in the Shan State of Northern Myanmar conference pdf(156)
2022-10 Assembling Language Ideologies, Narrating Chronotopic Identities among Wa Migrant Returnees conference web page(198)
2021-11 疫情中的中緬邊境:從分級主權到防疫科技官僚主義 conference web page(119)
2021-09 醫療口罩遮蔽的聽損日常性 conference web page(117)
2020-09 Narrating Labor Sociality: Labor Life of Chinese Migrant Workers Online and Offline presented at Solidarity in Virtuality: Boundary Crossing and Community Building Online and Offline conference pdf(235)
2020-09 語言與文化的研究歷程:語言學與語言人類學的對話 conference pdf(165)
2020-09 變動經濟秩序中的勞動日常和數位敘事:以中國少數民族裔的工廠移工為例 conference pdf(220)
2020-02 Multilingual Interactions Practice and Desire of Scaling in the Superdiverse Manufacturing Workplace in Urban China conference pdf(198)
2020-02 活出語言來: 語言人類學導論(專書翻譯) book/chapter pdf(199)
2019-03 縱橫古今論傳說:李亦園院士的「神話與傳說」研究之回顧 article pdf(263)
2017-07 移工的網絡社會性: 佤族青年的手機連結、敘事與網絡 article pdf(299)
2015-12 The Practice of Deference and Its Politics: Theravada Buddhist Beliefs and Hierarchical Dynamism in China’s Southwest Border Area article pdf(199)
2015-05 Minority Youth, Mobile Phones and Language Use: Wa Migrant Workers’ Engagements with Networked Sociality and Mobile Communication in Urban China article pdf(192)
2013-05 Re-constructing Cultural Heritage, Imagining Wa Primitiveness: State-Promoted Ethnic Tourism and the Self/Other Divide in the China/Myanmar Borderlands book web page(390)
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