2024-10 |
Navigating Polarization: Understanding Twitter's Dialogue on China in a Competitive Global Context |
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2023-07 |
Mediated Demonstrations: Analyzing Visual texts on Twitter During the White Paper Protests |
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2022-10 |
A Multi-grained Dataset for News Event Triggered Knowledge Update |
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2021-09 |
探索2020台灣總統大選的臉書分享模式與政治極化現象 |
conference |
web page(282) |
2020-11 |
誰在談論武漢肺炎?比較全球華人線上社群對武漢肺炎風險治理之論述形構 |
conference |
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2020-04 |
Keeping Their Words: Direct and Indirect Chinese Quote Attribution from Newspapers |
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2020-01 |
全球傳染病風險下的社交媒體之訊息分享與跨域流動 |
conference |
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2019-11 |
探討社交媒體上「不實資訊」之類型與操作模式:以台灣政治選舉事件為例 |
conference |
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2019-06 |
透過運算傳播方法探討九合一選舉暨公投在社交媒體上的主題分佈:以Twitter平台為例 |
conference |
2019-01 |
Comparing the patterns of sharing on social media between “true news” and “fake news”: a case study of local elections and referenda in Taiwan |
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2015-07 |
用方法說故事:議題框架分析方法綜探 |
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2014.05 |
災難事件中社群媒體訊息之自動分類設計 |
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2014-05 |
Automated Classification Design for Social Media Information in a Disaster Event |
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pdf(520) |
2013-12 |
從資訊到聚合:重大災難期間浮現型頻道報導文本的內容分析 |
report |
pdf(607) |
2013.07 |
探索2012臺灣總統大選之社交媒體浮現社群:钜量資料分析取徑 |
conference |
pdf(859) |
2011.07 |
災難情境下的新興媒體:莫拉克風災中的浮現型頻道 |
conference |
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2011 |
在災難事件中透過社交媒體溝通不確定性:以莫拉克風災為例 |
conference |
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2010-12 |
新的使用者體驗:以行動傳播為例 |
conference |
2005 |
媒體報導中「基因」概念的出現與轉變:一個本地觀念傳播史的初探 |
conference |
pdf(727) |