
Showing 1-12 of 12
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-06 Exploring the Impact of Emotional Valence in Advertisements and Compassion Fade on Donation Intention for War Victims conference web page(37)
2024-06 探討政治情感極化中介競選新聞框架對政治效能感與憤世嫉俗之影響:以 2022 年新竹市長選舉為例 conference pdf(35)
2021-06 以自我決定論探討青少年線上學 習需求滿足幸福感及成就感之影響 conference web page(226)
2021-06 主流網路迷因之保護與著作 權合理使用「轉化性利用」之探討 conference web page(218)
2019-08 Just a bystander? The effects of internet use, bystander experiences, and moral disengagement on online privacy violation among children and adolescents conference web page(344)
2018-06 Perceived bias in immigration news coverage and active control of detectable prejudice conference web page(267)
2017-08 Revisiting the privacy paradox: Exploring the mediating effect of privacy management and self-disclosure on social capital conference web page(256)
2017-05 The higher EQ, the better news selection? Exploring the moderating effect of anger-expression on news selection conference web page(429)
2016-06 情緒和社交網聯經驗對知識建構的影響: 以健康體適能知識建構為例 conference web page(276)
2011-03 The captive audience doctrine in a picketing funeral case: Snyder v. Phelps conference web page(210)
2009-08 De-metaphorization in paratexts: Powers behind EPA’s distinguishing between climate change and global warming conference web page(288)
2008-02 Climate change or global warming: How does government expand its persuasive power via scientific discourse in E-government system? conference web page(294)
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