
Showing 1-14 of 14
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-12 Opportunities for Happiness and Its Determinants Among Children in China: A Study of Three Waves of the China Family Panel Studies Survey article 說明頁(142)
2022-12 Strained multi-agency collaboration in the multi-tiered prevention system: A critical study of Taiwan`s Social Safety Network Project article 說明頁(153)
2021-10 Book Review: Changing Trends in China`s Inequality: Evidence, Analysis, and Prospects article 說明頁(250)
2021-10 [Book reviews] Changing Trends in China`s Inequality: Evidence, Analysis, and Prospects article 說明頁(136)
2020-03 The Agency and Well-being of Taiwan's Middle-school Adolescents with Disabilities: A Capability Approach Study article pdf(212)
2020-02 The Capability Approach to Adolescent Poverty in China: the Profile, Decomposition and Predictors of Deprivation 期刊論文 pdf(255)
2020-01 Well-being dynamics among poor children and young people in Taiwan: Capability approach-based investigation article pdf(199)
2019-05 初探長期照顧機構社工員與父母之代間支持 article 說明頁(374)
2019-03 初探長期照顧機構社工員與父母之代間支持 article pdf(350)
2017-12 國際兒童保護體制改革之制度論初探:以「兒童保護」與「家庭支持」典範交流為例,及其對臺灣兒保改革之啟發 article pdf(266)
2017-07 Policy Assemblage in Taiwan`s Child Protection Reforms: Policy Mixture, Policy Regime Change and Shifting Policy Challenges article pdf(186)
2017-06 The capability approach to the wellbeing of poor adolescents: a Taiwanese case study article 說明頁(554)
2017-01 Political enthusiasm for social pensions and its eventual decline in Taiwan: an institutional account of pension dynamics in a new democracy article 說明頁(310)
2014-02 Rural Pension Politics in Taiwan: The Institutional Explanation and Implications for East Asian Agricultural Welfare Development article 說明頁(414)
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