
Showing 51-61 of 61
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2002 Empowerment in the Service Industry: An Empirical Study in Taiwan article pdf(1140)
2000 The effect of social factors on the success of automation: An empirical study in Taiwan article pdf(4126)
1999-11 A comparison of perceptions about business ethics in four countries article pdf(1273)
1999 國內標竿企業探討公務機關之教育訓練評估 article
1998 The essence of empowerment: A conceptual model and a case illustration article pdf(620)
1998 Success factors of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan: An analysis of cases article 說明頁(1176)
1997 員工培訓成效評估之研究 article 說明頁(790)
1997 Human resource management in Taiwan: A future perspective article pdf(1124)
1997 Labor relations in Taiwan: A cross-cultural perspective article pdf(1220)
1997 Human resource information systems: Implementation in Taiwan article 說明頁(1176)
1996 The Training and development practices in Taiwan: A comparative study of Taiwanese, USA and Japanese firms in Taiwan article 說明頁(1208)