
Showing 76-100 of 181
日期 題名 類型 全文
2016-06 Effects of Knowledge Building Pedagogy on High School Students` Learning Perception and English Composition Performance conference pdf(426)
2016-06 Fostering more informed epistemic views among students through knowledge building conference 說明頁(705)
2016-06 Effects of knowledge building activities on student` writing performance conference 說明頁(659)
2016-04 Schools as Knowledge Building Organizations: Thirty Years of Design Research article 說明頁(769)
2016-04 Using knowledge building to foster conceptual change article pdf(904)
2016-03 Understanding how students perceive the role of ideas for their knowledge work in a knowledge-building environment article pdf(637)
2016-03 Fostering college students’ creative capacity through computer-supported knowledge building activities article 說明頁(736)
2016 在不同模式的電腦支援協作學習環境下,師培生理解教學理論層次之差異—以Blackboard和Knowledge Forum為例 article pdf(695)
2015-11 A survey to examine teachers’ perceptions of Design Dispositions, Lesson Design Practices and their relationships with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) article 說明頁(1426)
2015-11 Exploring the Relationships between Students` Online Interactive Activities and Their Views of the Nature of Scientific Theories article pdf(919)
2015-11 Fostering sustained knowledge building among elementary students through principle-guided use of analytical tools article pdf(848)
2015-10 Design Thinking for Education: Conceptions and Applications in Teaching and Learning book/chapter 說明頁(834)
2015-09 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Design Thinking: A Framework to Support ICT Lesson Design for 21st Century Learning article pdf(448)
2015-09 Fostering sustained idea improvement with principle-based knowledge building analytic tools article pdf(753)
2015-06 高等教育成果導向教育之發展與反思 article 說明頁(810)
2015-05 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Design Thinking: A Framework to Support ICT Lesson Design for 21st Century Learning article pdf(801)
2015-01 College students constructing collective knowledge of natural science history in a collaborative knowledge building community article pdf(1248)
2015 Exploring college students’ cultural view from a knowledge creation perspective article pdf(901)
2014-12 本校學生修課結構適切性之研究─以畢業年度為100~102學年度之大學部學生為例 report pdf(479)
2014-12 Exploring college students’ cultural view from a knowledge creation perspective article pdf(902)
2014-12 透過知識創新教學以培養國小學生自然課合作學習與翻新想法的習慣 article pdf(688)
2014-12 Fostering change of views of the nature of scientific theories in a CSCL environment conference 說明頁(1364)
2014-05 Fostering a collaborative and creative climate in a college class through idea-centered knowledge-building article pdf(1178)
2014-02 Development and Validation of the Knowledge-Building Environment Scale article pdf(1235)
2014-02 Community knowledge assessment in a knowledge building environment article pdf(1135)