All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 76-100 of 311
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-07 Anmerkungen zur Sprach- und Kulturvermittlung des Deutschen in einer von chinesischer Kultur geprägten Gesellschaft auf Taiwan. 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2013-04 Ethnizität in mikrologischen Formen von Bildern und Texten Else Lasker-Schülers 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2014-04 From Eastern to Western Europe. Herta Muller’s prose text ‘The Passport’ 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2015-03 Tokio Hotel, and the postmodern body in German ‘Cyberpunk’-Popmusic. 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2015-08 Sehen in Texten Herta Müllers 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2016-03 Space, and Movement in a foreign Culture 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference pdf(114)
2016-05 Schreiben gegen das Vergessen bei Herta Müller 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference
2016-07 Kindheit und Jugend in den Texten Herta Müllers 蔡莫妮、Monika, Leipelt-Tsai conference pdf(133)
2018-03 日本上代文獻中之蛇女房的母題與特徵 鄭家瑜 conference
2017-12 台湾社会との連携を目指す「日本古典文学」の授業の試み―政治大学日本語文学科の「日本名著選読」授業の実践報告 鄭家瑜 conference 說明頁(590)
2018-10 以語料庫為本:台灣語言之使用及變化 陳筑琬鍾曉芳 conference
2018-05 以語料庫為本辨析漢語近義詞「關」、「閉」 林孟潔、鍾曉芳 conference
2018-05 語料庫研究: 「霸」字於台灣之使用 陳筑琬鍾曉芳 conference
2015-05 A Study of Russian Lexical Expressions for the Physical Manifestation of Emotions 葉相林Yeh, Hsiang-lin、Е Сянлинь conference
2014-08 Peer reviewers as a key to a national journal’s development in Taiwan. 謝思蕾Sheridan, Cheryl L. conference 說明頁(485)
2011-07 Proposing an Agency Map for Narrative Research 謝思蕾Sheridan, Cheryl L. conference 說明頁(471)
2011-05 Social Presence Mediated by Screencasting in the Composition Classroom: An exploratory study of teachers` perspectives 謝思蕾Sheridan, Cheryl L. conference 說明頁(477)
2013-03 The Development of a Local Journal and its Role in a Discourse Community on the Periphery: Stakeholder Interviews. 謝思蕾Sheridan, Cheryl L. conference 說明頁(592)
2018-05 「到」、「底」四字組合中的語義分析 孫雪芹、鍾曉芳 conference
2018-03 A Dialectic between Domestication and Foreignization: Exploring Liu Li’s French-Chinese Translation of Le Petit Prince 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua conference
2017-10 Acquisition: Aspiration 陳允 conference
2017-10 The Power of Sovereignty in Measure for Measure 陳允 conference
2015-11 《日本書紀》中之漢籍的影響與表現―以持統天皇的形象為中心 鄭家瑜 conference
2018-06 Aproximaciones pedagogicas a la novela policiaca escrita por mujeres: el caso de Ritos de muerte 楊瓊瑩Yang, Chung-ying conference
2016-10 Desarrollo del derecho indígena de América Latina 石雅如、Shin, Yaju conference