All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 101-125 of 553
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-02 Knowledge of the Electoral System and Voting Behavior 黃紀、王宏忠、林長志、Huang, Chi conference
2011-11 三合一選舉中之一致與分裂投票:以2010年高雄市選舉為例 黃紀、林長志、王宏忠、Huang, Chi conference
2011-09 Political Consequences of the MMM Electoral Systems\r\nin Taiwan and Japan Huang, Chi黃紀 conference pdf(1193)
2011-06 滾動式橫斷面調查的理論與應用 Huang, Chi黃紀 conference
2011-06 Citizens` Awareness of the New MMM Electoral System in Taiwan: A Cohort Analysis 黃紀游清鑫、蕭怡靖、Huang, Chi conference
2011-05 Forgetful Voters and Remindful Politicians: Political Cycle of Voters` Knowledge of the New Electoral System in Taiwan 黃紀游清鑫Huang, Chi conference
2010-12 並立式混合選制下之兩票連動:日本眾議員選舉政黨重複提名策略之效應分析 郭銘峰黃紀王鼎銘Huang, Chi conference
2010-11 候選人重複提名對自民黨的影響:日本眾院選舉之分析(1996-2005年) 郭銘峰黃紀王鼎銘Huang, Chi conference
2010-09 Who Wants Checks and Balances? Endogeneity of the Balancing Perspective 俞振華、黃紀、蕭怡靖、Huang, Chi conference
2010-05 Differences in the MMM Systems and Their Consequences: The Cases of Taiwan and Japan Huang, Chi黃紀 conference
2010-03 Straight- and Split-Ticket Voting under the MMM Electoral System: the Case of Taiwan 黃紀、Teh-Yu Wang、蕭怡靖 conference
2013-03 Policy Stalemate and Weak Legislative Ability of the DPJ 林超琦 conference 說明頁(1348)
2012-06 Public Awareness of Inequality and Redistribution: the Case of Japan and Taiwan 林超琦 conference
2011-11 Time to Raise the Consumption Tax in Japan? Noda`s commitment 林超琦 conference
2011-10 Income Inequality and its Consequences in Japan and Taiwan 林超琦 conference
2011-06 Multilevel Analysis of Voting Behavior under the Mixed-Member Majoritarian Systems: Korea, Taiwan, and Japan 蔡佳泓游清鑫陳陸輝林超琦鄭夙芬 conference
2010-09 Japan`s Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy: the Case of the Futenma Air Base Issue 林超琦 conference
2010-03 從茨城談2009日本大選:為何醫療政策成為選舉的主要議題? 林超琦 conference
2012-03 論21世紀德國內政治理之重大課題 以自由民主力量迎接極右政黨及極右恐怖暴行之挑戰 葉陽明 conference
2011-11 柏林共和時期德國安全政策之初探 葉陽明 conference pdf(687)
2011-03 論德國總理梅克爾之治理與2008年金融危機之處理 葉陽明 conference
2010-12 國父對中國參戰之態度及國父與德國人之關係 葉陽明 conference
2010-11 德國柏林共和大聯合政府時期梅克爾總理治理行為之探究 葉陽明 conference
2010-03 德國巴伐利亞邦Bayern民主治理之再探討 葉陽明 conference
2012-06 Identity Politics between Ethnic Intermarried Couples in Taiwan 楊婉瑩Yang, Wan-Ying conference