All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 176-200 of 553
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-11 族群衝突解決機制-制度化的研究途徑 張棋炘、Chang,Chi-shin conference pdf(592)
2011-11 中共對台經濟交流之政治影響分析--以ECFA後台南虱目魚契作為例 曾于蓁 conference pdf(667)
2011-11 建立互信是兩岸政治發展的基礎 陳興國 conference pdf(607)
2011-11 What`s Wrong with ECFA?Democratic Process and Free Trade Reconsidered Chang,Harry Chih-hao、張之豪 conference pdf(988)
2011-11 試析我國健保之爭議與未來修法之方向 林柏翰 conference pdf(553)
2011-11 族群因素與施政表現對地方首長支持度之影響研究:以卡崔娜颶風前後之紐奧良市為例 王宏忠 conference pdf(760)
2011-11 女性國會議員之保障制度及其效果的跨國比較分析 鄭夙芬 conference pdf(751)
2011-06 ECFA的爭議與成效 童振源 conference pdf(1228)
2010-04 Fair Trade? Institutionalization, Specialization, and Autonomy in Reforming China`s Legislature Chao,Chien-Min 、Chang,Chin-Chun conference pdf(1162)
2010-11 A Methodological Review to Annual Survey of Taiwan`s Human Rights Kao,Yuang-kuang conference pdf(1243)
2011-07 一國兩制在港澳實施經驗及其在台灣的適用性 李酉潭 conference pdf(1165)
2013.03 The Effects of Tracking on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Junior High Students in Taiwan 關秉寅 conference 說明頁(1585)
2013.08 頭頂上的摩登:日治時期的台灣帽子 苗延威 conference pdf(2621)
2011.09 Bayesian Inference for Dynamics of Slowly Changing Variables in Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data Analyses 蔡宗漢 conference pdf(1089)
2012.12 功名、職場經驗對清治時期臺灣文、武職官俸祿之影響─以鳳山縣為例 林祖嘉、周秝宸 conference pdf(1030)
2012.09 早清單效益的評估與未來動向 林祖嘉 conference pdf(909)
2011 A Culture-Sensitive Agent in Kirman`s Ant Model Chen, Shu-Heng Liou, Wen-Ching 、 Chen, Ting-Yu、陳樹衡 conference pdf(1377)
2013.04 An agent-based skeleton of the network-based trust games 陳樹衡Chen, Shu-Heng 、 Zhang, Tong conference pdf(689)
2013.04 IIR and the Development of China Studies in Taiwan Kou, Chien-wen寇健文 conference pdf(1145)
2013.11 誰上研究所? 2009年TEPS-B電訪資料之分析 關秉寅 conference pdf(777)
2013.07 Are housings early demolished in urban renewal area? 丁秀吟Ding, Hsiu-Yin conference pdf(1263)
2013.10 兩岸政治關係的合情合理合憲安排 童振源 conference pdf(895)
2011.09 Personality and Preference: A Laboratory Study 陳樹衡 conference pdf(433)
2011 倡議型第三部門研究的回顧與展望 顧忠華、王興中 conference pdf(3548)
2012 The accuracy influence of different camera calibration conditions to bundle adjsutment of closerange images Lin, Ju-Yen、Chio, Shih-Hong邱式鴻 conference 說明頁(1739)