All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings)

Showing 4076-4100 of 4152
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-10 國土計畫與不動產市場供需之影響 賴宗裕 conference pdf(60)
2023-05 社工有關權衡行政管理與個案關懷的不同模式之探索——以脆弱家庭方案的社工為例 林宜輝 conference pdf(77)
2023-10 A methodological and cultural investigation on positive development of Indigenous youth 楊佩榮、Yang, Pei-Jung、Lee, Pei-Chiang conference pdf(84)
2023-09 The Application of ‘Work Capacity’ and ‘Fictitious Income’ in Social Assistance Act in Taiwan 蔡培元、Tsai, Pei-Yuen conference pdf(43)
2023-04 The Development and Issues of Social Assistance Policies in Taiwan 蔡培元、Tsai, Pei-Yuen conference pdf(48)
2023-04 The Problems and Issues in Family Maintenance Litigation Resulting from the Interaction between Social Assistance and Legal System in Taiwan 蔡培元、Tsai, Pei-Yuen conference pdf(80)
2023-03 Gender of the First Child and Parental Well-Being in Taiwan 張峯彬Chang, Feng-bin conference pdf(65)
2022-08 How Taiwan's Central Election Commission combats election disinformation 林超琦Lin, Chao-Chi conference 說明頁(27)
2023-07 Due Diligence Obligations of the Flag of Convenience Investors: Promoting Accountability and Human Rights in Distant Water Fisheries of Taiwan 翁燕菁、Weng, Vivianne Yen-ching conference 說明頁(47)
2023-06 Why Constitutional Rights Interpretation in Taiwan Needs to Adopt A Comparative Human Rights Law Approach Based on Pro Homine Principle? 翁燕菁、Weng, Vivianne Yen-ching conference
2022-12 法國《預警義務法》之突破與困境 翁燕菁 conference 說明頁(44)
2022-10 ‘Autonomous Exoticisation’: Affect and Emotion in Public Affairs among Indigenous Communities in Taiwan 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference pdf(68)
2023-06 An Ethnography of a Multi-Sited Community: Eco-Village, Transition Town, and Post-Materialism in Hong Kong and Taiwan 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference pdf(94)
2023-06 Hong Kong Agriculturalist and Taiwan Indigenous People’s Views of Post-human relations: Re-visiting Comparison 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(41)
2022-11 創傷與療癒:再思跨族群互動之挑戰與整合 何浩慈 conference pdf(69)
2023-05 China’s Influence, Local Counteraction, and Media Regulation in Taiwan 黃兆年 conference
2023-04 中國對臺宣傳的資本與資訊操作:一個銳實力的觀點 黃兆年 conference
2023-05 我國家庭照顧假之檢討 吳姿慧 conference pdf(97)說明頁(18)
2023-04 The Effects of Global Competition from China on the Taiwanese Labor Market 李浩仲、 李文傑、 翁培真、Li, Hao-Chung conference 說明頁(41)
2023-06 Spatial reallocation helps to reduce methane emissions from paddy rice cultivation 李慧琳Lee, Huey-Lin conference pdf(74)
2023-06 "Knowledge and Intellectuals of Different Civilizations": The Current Situation of Chinese Ethnic Minority Intellectuals 陳乃華、Chen, Nai-hua conference pdf(94)
2023-06 Tibetan Art: The Sacred Exchange of the Image World 陳乃華、Chen, Nai-hua conference 說明頁(39)
2022-10 Tibetan diaspora in Taiwan: centered on the 1950-1960s 陳乃華、Chen, Nai-hua conference pdf(80)
2022-07 Palden Lhamoདཔལ་ལྡན་ལྷ་མོ། and Research on Tibetan Female Intellectual Group 陳乃華 conference 說明頁(45)
2023-10 俄羅斯世界(Russian world)-關於新時期俄羅斯國家意識形態的思考 趙竹成 conference pdf(87)