All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Proceedings)

Showing 4101-4125 of 4152
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-06 Trauma and Healing, politics and everyday life: online and offline communities of recent Hong Kong diaspora in Taiwan 金其琪 conference pdf(120)
2022-09 在流離與混沌中創造:移台香港人的線上連結與關係重建——以IG社群為例 金其琪 conference pdf(97)
2022-03 消費、社群與集體療癒——茶餐廳與在台港人的空間匯聚 金其琪 conference pdf(166)
2021-09 從中介之地到「故鄉香港」:從在台港人離散經驗看共同體的誕生 金其琪 conference 說明頁(30)
2019-01 達悟女人的多重生活:旅北都市原住民女性的生命史研究 金其琪 conference 說明頁(43)
2023-07 女聲女生—臺灣女性播客主性別意識實踐自我民族誌 林羿心 conference
2023-09 噤聲與發聲:臺灣女性播客主的性別意識實踐 林羿心 conference pdf(108)
2021-09 播客成為發聲行動:由女性播客談聽覺文化、「聽覺 親密感」與性/別關係 林羿心 conference 說明頁(46)
2023-10 Applying deep learning to automatically detect buildings from true orthoimages 邱式鴻Chio, Shih-Hong、Hsu, Chia-Chang、Hsieh, Hao Chan conference pdf(90)
2023-09 The Correlates of Recovery Promoting Relationship among Psychiatric Rehabilitation Professionals in Taiwan 宋麗玉Song, Li-Yu conference pdf(95)
2023-03 The patterns of rehabilitation service use and personal recovery among persons with psychiatric disability 宋麗玉Song, Li-Yu conference 說明頁(45)
2023-09 莫敵主政下印度的民主與發展:民主倒退中的經濟成長 魏玫娟 conference
2022-05 Impact of Citrus Disease Control and Prevention: Evidence from Taiwan’s Foreign Aid in Central America 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan、Tseng, Yun-Ching conference 說明頁(31)
2022-11 高中生參與服務學習成效之個人背景、 服務動機與核心素養 蘇昱璇、王信實 conference pdf(121)
2023-09 Impact of International Child Sponsorship from Taiwan: Evidence from Nepal 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(36)
2023-03 The effects of noncognitive and cognitive abilities on the wages of young people in Taiwan 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi、Li, Hong-ming conference pdf(95)
2023-05 The Effects of Social Trust on Economic Performance: Theory and Empirics 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi conference 說明頁(41)
2023-11 A Genealogy of 20th Century Tibet Amdo Intellectuals: (Re)Reading the Work of Gendun Chopel, Dhondup Gyal and Tsering Dondrup 陳乃華、Chen, Nai-Hua conference pdf(112)
2023-12 The intellectual turn of digital collections in the Museum of Ethnology: Reinterpretation of the value of collection materials under the development of science and technology 陳乃華 conference pdf(97)
2023-11 作為『替代性朝聖』 (Alternative pilgrimage)的西藏藝術 陳乃華 conference pdf(95)
2023-09 作為社會科學的藏學人類學(Tibetological Anthropology )初探 陳乃華 conference 說明頁(34)
2023-10 土地法第三十四條之一法理研習 陳立夫 conference pdf(1)
2023-11 現有巷道認定涉及財產權侵害之救濟 陳立夫 conference pdf(97)
2023-11 Between the Mountain and the Sea: Rationality and Visuality for the Governance of Microscopic Matter within Territory 陳宗文Chen, Tzung-wen conference pdf(73)
2023-11 Exploring Value Co-creation in Regional Revitalization: the Case of Chishang Autumn Harvest Rice Art Festival in Taiwan 傅凱若、Fu, Kai-jo、Lin, Yen-Chu conference pdf(37)