All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature、Articles)

Showing 1526-1550 of 1609
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-12 校園刊物的文藝流動與民國文學--兼述史料的補闕 周志煌 article 說明頁(156)
2022-03 "Tao-Being" and "Mind": An Observation of the Deepening and Derivation of Zhu Studies in Cai Qing`s Primary Introduction to the Four Books 陳逢源Chen, Feng-yuan article 說明頁(144)
2022-03 On the Concept and Background of "Xing Zhi Wu She" in "Chengren" in the Qinghua Manuscripts and the "Five Punishments" in the Shangshu Dazhuan 古育安、Ku, Yu-an article 說明頁(130)
2022-06 Ancient Chinese Traditions of Ritual and Music and Cultural Orientation: From the Perspective of Sacrificial Rites 林啓屏Lin, Chi-ping article 說明頁(200)
2022-09 The Concept of "the Great Age of Tang Poetry": From Late Song Dynasty to Early Ming Dynasty 陳英傑、Chen, Ying-chieh article 說明頁(138)
2022-06 Investigation and Thinking: Fu Guang in the Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Sishu Daquan) 陳逢源Chen, Feng-yuan article 說明頁(174)
2022-06 An Analysis of the Integration of Yi-Diagrams and Hongfan in the Song Dynasty 陳睿宏Chen, Rui-hong article 說明頁(131)
2022-03 The Origins of Biographic Narratives of Chan School Patriarchs and Miraculous Legends in the Dunhuang Version of Lidai Fabao Ji 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article 說明頁(137)
2020-02 鷹歸梵林墩——致尉天驄老師 陳碩文 article 說明頁(74)
2021-12 The Legacy of Performance of Taiwanese Gezixi in Singapore in the 1960s 蔡欣欣Tsai, Hsin-hsin article 說明頁(182)
2022-06 Secularism in Monastic Life: Implicit Acceptance of Secularism in The Biographies of Eminent Monks 涂艷秋、Tu, Yen-chiu article 說明頁(118)
2022-06 經學講會「雙溪繼刱」暨蔣秋華教授榮退誌慶特輯--關於特輯 車行健 article 說明頁(91)
2022-06 蔣公,在文哲所的歲月 車行健 article 說明頁(81)
2022-01 關於何定生著作集的整理與出版 車行健 article 說明頁(84)
2022-01 顧頡剛與戰後臺灣經學暨何定生著作重刊發佈會專輯前言 車行健 article 說明頁(65)
2021-11 Forum on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Death of Gu Jiegang 車行健 article 說明頁(99)
2022-03 Mysterious Sights and Instincts`, `Extensive and Harmonious`: Thomé H. Fang`s Critique on Chinese Art--Also on the Philosophical Interest in Poems by Thomé H. Fang and Nan Huai-Chin 周志煌、Chou, Chih-Huang article 說明頁(88)
2021-12 On Liu Chenweng`s Poetry Criticism: Influencing the Transformation of "Uncanny" Poetics and Its Significance in the Southern-Song Dynasty`s History of Poetry 侯雅文Hou, Ya-wen article 說明頁(132)
2020-12 A Study of Folk Deity Scriptures in Taoism in Ming and Qing Dynasties 高振宏、Kao, Chen-hung article 說明頁(57)
2022-09 Performing the Competition of Monastic and Demons and Staging Interaction between the Dao and Exorcism: Re-interpretation of Fengshen Yanyi through the Exorcism in Song and Yuan Dynasties 高振宏、Kao, Chen-hung article 說明頁(131)
2021-06 A Spectral Critique of Hong Kong Films: A Reading of the Urban Spectre: Dr. Esther MK Cheung’s Essays in Hong Kong Film Studies 黃國華、Ng, Kok Hwa article 說明頁(122)
2017-07 The Gaze of Modernism: The Modern Layout Arrangement of The Young Companion 黃國華、Ng, Kok-hwa article 說明頁(139)
2021-12 民國的南洋:上海《良友》畫報的「南洋群島」想像 黃國華、Ng, Kok-hwa article 說明頁(120)
2016-07 Anti-Incorporation: "Post-03" Ghostly Writing in Lee Pik-wah`s Film Tie-in Edition Novels 黃國華、Ng, Kok-hwa article 說明頁(73)
2022-09 The Rise of Nanyang Studies: Topography Writings in Nanyang Yanjiu and Nanyang Qingbao (1928-1944) 黃國華、Ng, Kok-hwa article 說明頁(160)