All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Philosophy、Periodical Articles)

Showing 901-925 of 978
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-07 Die Wiederkehr der Moral? Wang Hui und das Ethos der chinesischen Moderne KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL article pdf(254)
2021-04 Enabling and Constraining Classical Confucian Political Philosophy - A commentary on Sungmoon Kim’s Theorizing Confucian Virtue Politics: The Political Philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi HUA WANGHUA WANG article
2020-09 荀子對儒家人文主義的貢獻 HUA WANGHUA WANG article pdf(143)
2021-02 做天下第一等事:論儒學如何能為生民立命? YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article web page(179)
2021-06 From Civic Deliberation to Democratic Ethics - On Whether Habermas` Theory of Communication Needs a Hegelian Foundation YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(331)
2018-07 Self-Cognition? Saṃghabhadra, Armstrong, and Introspective Consciousness CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang article pdf(214)
2019-06 Dharmapāla on Perception and ālambana in the Cheng weishi baosheng lun: Engaging with Contemporary Philosophy of Perception CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang article pdf(231)
2021-05 Book Review: Why Free Will is Real HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article pdf(195)
2021-03 Introduction: Sensing the self in world HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article pdf(171)
2021-03 The Epistemic Role of Consciousness HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article pdf(180)
2020-12 世界、風土、主體: 評《洪耀勳文獻選輯》 HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article pdf(136)
2021-07 Wisdom: A Murdochian Perspective KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL article pdf(163)
2021-06 同路為伴,吾道不孤 WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun article pdf(183)
2021-06 從倫理療癒到存在催眠治療:我一路走來的本地風光 WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun article pdf(109)
2022-07 Enabling and Constraining Classical Confucian Political Philosophy HUA WANGHUA WANG article web page(153)
2022-06 The Notion of Awareness of Self-awareness and the Problem of Infinite Regress in the Cheng Weishi Lun CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang article web page(145)
2022-10 Iris Murdoch between Buddhism and Christianity: moral change, conceptual loss/recovery, unselfing KAI MARCHALKAI MARCHAL、Beran, Ondřej article web page(173)
2021-12 Spiritual Exercise as Techne: Philosophy as a Way of Liberating Education WEI-DING TSAISHU-FEN LINWEI-DING TSAI、 Lin, Shu-Fen、 Chistyakov, Denis article web page(198)
2021-11 On the Hidden Paradigm in Spirit in the World: Maréchal or Heidegger? WEI-DING TSAI article web page(118)
2022-06 Book Review: In Consciousness We Trust by Hakwan Lau HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony、Lin, Yi article web page(242)
2022-09 Book Review: Metazoa - Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(243)
2022-03 P3b does not Reflect Perceived Contrasts HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony、Chen, Yen-Kuang、Hsieh, Po-Jang article web page(264)
2022-03 Post-Perceptual Confidence and Supervaluative Matching Profile HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(159)
2022-02 Radical internalism meets radical externalism or: Smithies’ epistemology transcendentalised HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(187)
2022-03 Spatial Representations in Sensory Modalities HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(154)