All Of Publications(Limit:Journals of NCCU、Articles)

Showing 12251-12275 of 12421
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-12 台語電影與日本電影的親密與殊異:以電影通俗劇的比較分析為例 王君琦、Wang, Chun-chi article pdf(456)
2012-03 中國對朝鮮半島地緣經濟戰略與其對中國與南北韓關係之影響 河凡植、Ha, Bum-sig article pdf(881)
2009-05 「第三次江陳會談與兩岸發展」觀察 楊開煌 article pdf(170)
1988-12 示威的基本法律問題 陳新民 article 說明頁(212)
2001-06 China`s International Negotiating Style 裘兆琳、Chang, Jaw-Ling Joanne article pdf(151)
2006-03 遺傳演算法建構台灣股市期貨買賣決策規則之研究 連立川、葉怡成、江宗原、楊豐銘、Lien, Li-Chuan、Yeh, I-Cheng、Yuan, Chiang-Thuang、Yang, Feng-Ming article pdf(401)
2017-09 ASEAN 50 年:共同体の歴史的転換と戦略的意義 楊昊、呉書嫺 article pdf(153)
2004-07 An Empirical Study on the Effects of the Well-Phone Scandal on the Audit Clients 劉嘉雯、Liu, Chia-Wen article 說明頁(372)
2007-03 運用認知衝突策略建構小數學習概念線上複習系統之研究 劉遠楨、黃思華、許琇雅 article 說明頁(357)說明頁(347)
2013-11 Mystical Orientation, Mystical Experience, and Mysticism: Psychological Perspectives Francis, Leslie article pdf(281)
2023-12 The Blending of “Heart” and “Thing”: On Tea Writing in Xiao Xiao’s Prose 李翠瑛、Lee, Tsui-Ying article pdf(0)
2010-09 Using Multiagent Based on Fuzzy Reasoning Approach to Solve Project Team Work Allocation Problems Chen, Yee-Ming、Wei, Cheng-Wei article pdf(480)
2012-12 譯者前言 陳碩文、Chen, Shuo-Win article pdf(229)
2004-03 The Development of Private (Mingban) Universities in the Chinese Mainland: Enviromental Factors and Organizational Features 閻鳳橋、Yan, Feng-Qiao article pdf(131)
1997-01 Network Social Literacy: E-mail Etiquette 梁朝雲、Liang, Chaucer C. Y. article 說明頁(283)
2002-07 A Niche Analysis of the Web, Catalogs, and Retail Stores as Marketing Channels: A Cross-year Comparison 郭貞Kuo, Cheng、黃振家、Huang, Jenn-Jia article 說明頁(303)
2014-09 少子高齢化と経済成長--イノベーション政策としての自由貿易 小山直則 article 說明頁(474)
2014-03 Modelling e-Health Systems Security Requirements: A Business Process Based Approach Alahmadi, Ahmed H.、Soh, Ben、Ullah, Azmat article pdf(585)
2014-03 論Otfried Höffe的正義作為交換 黃忠正、Huang, Chung-Cheng article pdf(385)
1999-06 Legal Policy and Collective Bargaining in the U.S. Public Sector 丘周剛、Chiu, Jou-Gang article pdf(193)
1983-05 第一章國際廣播的過程 莊正安 article pdf(109)
2016-09 Performance & Competition of Local Social Services Contracting Out in Taiwan 孫煒、Sun, Way article pdf(478)
2004-10 The Fundamental Change of Trust Relationship 王志誠 article 說明頁(150)
2011-01 從胡錦濤訪美談美中戰略競逐的虛與實 蔡育岱 article pdf(144)
1972-11 「民族晚報」「大華晚報」加強競爭前後的內容分析 王石番 article pdf(197)