All Of Publications(Limit:Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 15251-15275 of 15371
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-01 The Recurrent Model of Bodily Spatial Phenomenology 鄭會穎、Cheng, Tony、Haggard, Patrick article pdf(206)
2017-06 喜博威之書中的引證與舉例 馬穆德、Abdeldeen, Mahmoud Talab article 說明頁(665)
2013-07 埃及政治動盪的觀察與啟示 陳嘉生 article pdf(219)
2013.12 我國名錄型資料庫發展現況與比較 吳宇凡薛理桂Wu, Yu-Fan Hsueh, Li-Kuei article pdf(1140)
2013.04 定型化契約之管制與契約自由——德國與我國法制發展之比較分析 楊淑文Yang, Shwu-Wen article pdf(2473)
2017-05 電影評論與著作權合理使用-兼評「谷阿莫」評論影片之使用 陳秉訓 article pdf(824)
2011-06 窒息式性活動致死與人壽保險之承保範圍 葉啓洲 article 說明頁(79)
2015-07 User adoption of wisdom of crowd: usage and performance of prediction market system 李有仁童振源、張書勳、Li, Eldon Y.Tung, Chen-Yuan、Chang, Shu-Hsun article 說明頁(943)pdf(622)
2013-03 A Conjecture and Its Counter Example on the Lower Bounds of Monitor Solutions of Maximally Permissive Supervisors for a Subclass of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Guan, Xuanxuan、Chen, Hung-Yi、Chao, Daniel Yuh、Wang, Anding、Wang, Shouguang、陳鴻毅、趙玉 article 說明頁(937)
2017-06 The capability approach to the wellbeing of poor adolescents: a Taiwanese case study 林宜輝、Lin, Yei-Whei、Chen, Chih-Nan article 說明頁(553)
2014-03 為何學英語別從文法開始 詹志禹 article 說明頁(582)
2013.01 The Developmental Sequence of Social-Communicative Skills in Young Children with Autism: A Longitudinal Study 姜忠信、Wu,Chin-Chin 、 Chiang, Chung-Hsin article pdf(1367)
2014-09 Explore the linkage between corporate social responsibility and tourism sustainable development 丘周剛、Chiu, Chou-Kang、Joe, Sheng-Wuu、Trieu, Tran Viet article 說明頁(98)
2017-06 Analysis of the Transferred Meanings of LION in Russian Literary Text (俄國文學文本中「獅子」的轉義研究) 張瑞承、ЧАНГ, Джуй Ченг、Chang, Juicheng article pdf(348)
2016-01 Linguistic-Conflictological Description of the Russian Speakers' Ordinary Political Consciousness Кишина, Е.В.、Kishina, E. V.、基希娜 article 說明頁(123)
2014-02 Bayesian confidence intervals for probability of default and asset correlation of portfolio credit risk Chang, Y.-P.、Yu, Chih-Tun、游智惇 article pdf(508)
2011 Hedging Longevity Risk When Interest Rates are Uncertain Tsai, Jeffrey T. 、Tzeng, Larry Y. 、蔡子晧、曾郁仁、王儷玲 article pdf(1426)
2017-12 政治課責與選民投票行為:以2014年高雄氣爆事件為例 游清鑫Yu, Ching-hsin、蔡宗漢、Tsai, Tsung-han、林長志、Lin, Chang-chih article pdf(471)
2013-04 Trend of urban-rural disparities in hospice utilization in Taiwan 周麗芳Chou, Li-Fang article pdf(1071)
2010-03 國科會人文及社會科學法語研究資源建置計畫簡介 劉吉軒、杜郁婷 article pdf(188)
2011.07 Universal Marking in Accent Formation: Evidence from Taiwanese-Mandarin and Mandarin-Taiwanese 蕭宇超Hsiao,Yu-chau article pdf(1259)
2011-06 列斐伏爾的空間哲學在身體活動研究的操作 蔡佳杕、Tsai, Chia-ti article pdf(1981)
2017-10 國際公法與國際私法之交錯適用──私法公法化與公法私法化 許耀明 article 說明頁(572)
2018-09 種類物買賣契約清償地之認定 楊芳賢 article 說明頁(346)
2012-12 台語電影與日本電影的親密與殊異:以電影通俗劇的比較分析為例 王君琦、Wang, Chun-chi article pdf(456)