All Of Publications(Limit:Articles)

Showing 50801-50825 of 51230
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-03 書評: Zhiru, The Making of a Savior Bodhisattva: Dizang in Medieval China 李玉珍、Li, Yu-Chen article pdf(791)
2004-11 德希達[Jacques Derrida]:從現象學到解構 Moran,Dermot、蔡錚雲 article
1994-05 論孝 丁崇貞 article
1991-09 富者愈富、貧者愈貧的考績法修正方向 施能傑 article
2021-04 Explaining Trial Outcomes of Political Cases under the White Terror in Taiwan: An Empirical Analysis of Death Sentences and Verdicts of Not Guilty 蘇彥斌、Su, Yen-Pin article 說明頁(130)
2004-08 美國中小學學校選擇政策新趨勢:以聯邦法案與最高法院判決為例 賴志峰、Lai, Chih-Feng article pdf(616)
2006-07 歐洲聯盟中國政策的戰略分析 張亞中、Chang, Ya-Chung article pdf(286)
1993-09 作業基礎成本制之整體內容與未來研究方向(中) 吳安妮 article 說明頁(1052)
2008-12 我國公務人員的終身學習與政策行銷能力 孫本初、傅岳邦 article pdf(647)
2021-10 Does the Saudi English Language Curriculum Reflect the Current State of English A Documentary Analysis from a Global Englishes Perspective Aldawsari, Mohammed、Karakaş, Ali article pdf(165)
2007-07 2007年八國高峰會的情勢 湯紹成 article 說明頁(1002)
1979-07 轉變中的東南亞華僑社會 江炳倫 article
2014-06 Application of Statistical Residual Analysis to Humanities Studies: "Using Xin Qing Nian" as Example 金觀濤、Jin, Guan-Tao、梁穎誼、Leong, Yin-Yee article pdf(342)
2018-09 中國與歐盟的準區域間主義(Quasi-Interregionalism)脈絡──以「容克計畫」(Juncker Plan)與「一帶一路」倡議分析 王啟明 article pdf(157)
1985-12 國家之經濟干預與國際貿易法一補貼法與衡平稅法(中) 蔡英文 article 說明頁(155)
2013.12 論清代的河南與山東方音─以《剔弊廣增分韻五方元音》和《等韻簡明指掌圖》為對象 宋韻珊 article pdf(882)
2002-07 知識經濟時代之智慧財產權問題與挑戰 馮震宇 article pdf(1646)
2007-03 Explicit optimal strategy for the Vardi casino with limited playing time 姚怡慶、Yao, Yi-Ching article pdf(1379)
1995 A review of In the Shadow of China: Political Development in Taiwan since 1949 edited by Steve Tsang (Honolulu Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press) 黃紀Huang, Chi article
2018-06 "To shut our eyes is Travel": Nineteenth-Century Imaginary Journeys and Dickinson`s Virtual Europe Finnerty, Páraic article 說明頁(565)
2011-05 Reply: Does Downloading PowerPoint Slides Before the Lecture Lead to Better Student Achievement? 陳鎮洲Chen, Jennjou、Lin, Tsui‐Fang article pdf(295)
2023-11 How does actual relative to target leverage affect reinsurance use? 許永明、Shiu, Yung-Ming、Li, Xiaoyi article 說明頁(49)
2023-04 2023年中國全國「 兩會」 後兩岸關係與臺海安全 曾偉峯 article pdf(103)
2005 Effects of Internet Pornography on Taiwanese Adolescents` Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 羅文輝 article 說明頁(1684)
2007-01 Hiding Sensitive Association Rules with Limited Side Effects Y-H- Wu、C-M- Chiang、陳良弼 article pdf(1618)