All Of Publications(Limit:Articles)

Showing 50901-50925 of 51230
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-04 Allocating Overseas: Risk Assessment of Currency Hedging in Taiwan Life Insurance Industry 張士傑、Chang , Shih-Chieh、Lee,  Yen-Kuan、Tu, Wei Hsuan and Chang-ye article 說明頁(267)
2019-12 Combining a Modified Particle Filter Method and Indoor Magnetic Fingerprint Map to Assist Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Indoor Positioning and Navigation 甯方璽*、Ning , Fang-Shii、Chen, Yu-Chun article pdf(229)
2005-07 台湾海峡における「一中一台」状況の原型成立と米国の介在 前田直樹 article 說明頁(217)
2012.01 西班牙當代女性偵探小說研究:身分認同與性別之書寫 楊瓊瑩Yang,Chung-Ying article pdf(999)
1992-04 An Empirical Investigation of Information Content of Financial Ratios 張仲岳、張翠軒、Chang, Conrad C.、Chang, Stanley Y. article 說明頁(374)
2014-10 The space-jump model of the movement of tumor cells and health cells, 李明融、Li, Meng-Rong、Lin, Yu-Ju、Shieh, Tzong-Hann article pdf(1119)
2005-04 勞退新制的問題與挑戰 馮震宇 article 說明頁(743)
1998 Differential Impact of the Foreign-Exchange Crisis on Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian article
2022-07 所有物返還請求權之舉證責任分配 許政賢 article 說明頁(41)
2020-02 Processing plausibility in concessive and causal relations: Evidence from self-paced reading and eye-tracking 杜容玥、Tu, Jung-yueh、Lyu, Siqi、Lin, Chien-Jer Charles article pdf(228)
2008-05 從會計內控與行政慣例探討首長特別費 馬秀如馬秀如、董保城 article 說明頁(772)
2016-01 文化區異或文化雜食?──以Bouridieu觀點分析大高雄地區民眾藝文參與和階級再製 陳志賢、Chen, Chih-Hsien article pdf(383)
2000-06 Die Rechtsstellung des Strafgefangenen und der Rechtsschutz im Strafvollzug zur Lage in Deutschland 盧映潔 article 說明頁(137)
2016-06 Research on the Flexible Er Ma Deity Statue of Fuxing Temple in Dali Yi: History, Materiality, and Subjectivity 李建緯、Lee, Chian-wei article 說明頁(297)
2006-12 林占梅《潛園琴餘草》版本考 徐慧鈺、Shu, Hui-Yu article pdf(465)
2004-10 台灣與南韓金融監理制度改革 廖坤榮Liao, Kun-Jung article pdf(434)
2000-12 An Introduction to Both Law and Regulations of Problem Financial Institutions and Cases Study of the US and the ROC 王嘉麗、郭瑜芳 article 說明頁(216)
2002-01 多頻道環境下的電視節目多樣性分析:以台灣無線電視台與有線電視綜合頻道為例之比較分析 陳一香、Chen, Yi-Hsiang article pdf(1758)
1996-06 「公民投票」的理論與實際--以我國核四論戰為例 唐玉禮 article
2023-06 Absolute stability and synchronization in second-order neural fields with conduction delays 曾睿彬、Tseng, Jui-Pin、Shih, Chih-Wen、Wu, Chang-Hong article 說明頁(42)
1992-06 有線電視法草案面面觀 蔡明誠、汪琪關尚仁馮建三、閻沁恆 article
2021-06 From Civic Deliberation to Democratic Ethics - On Whether Habermas` Theory of Communication Needs a Hegelian Foundation 林遠澤Lin, Yuan-ze article pdf(256)
1998-03 國家競爭力與人力資源再造策略 張昌吉 article
2017-02 公司法全盤修正建議--企業籌資法制鬆綁 朱德芳、何嘉容 article 說明頁(236)
2016-06 "Keywords and Cultural Exchanges": A Foreword 李奭學 article 說明頁(209)