All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 2365
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 Partial Response Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector for a Nonlinear Magnetic Recording Channel Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Chiu-Hsiung 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Hou, Sheng-Yun 、 Chang, Yuan-Chang 、 Chou, Xsing-Bang conference
2010 數位內容設計與互動教育中促發想像力之因子與教學策略 陳聖智 conference
2010 從設計思考與數位敘事觀點分析不同媒介訊息承載--新聞性格初探 陳聖智 conference
2010 人與空間的互動:從空間的向度性看影像思考與想像 陳聖智 conference
2010 以感測實驗與數位敘事作為數位內容傳播之途徑--以互動科技為例 陳聖智 conference
2011 教育部「邁向頂尖大學計畫」數位內容設計之教學評測機制與Moodle平台建置:以互動科技:媒材、感知與設計為例 陳聖智 report
2011-07 To create a digital community communication model in a risky society: A case study of an indigenous community in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2011-09 數位部落傳播之實驗—以大鳥部落八八水災重建之參與為例 孫曼蘋 conference
2011-12 數位敘事 部落發聲 —大鳥部落災後重建個案之初探 孫曼蘋 conference
2011 新媒介互動式數位典藏與導覽平台之開發 陳聖智、林士淵、陳泓均、吳采靜、吳昕儒 conference
2011 個人創造力、城市創新環境與藝術節品牌影響之研究 蔡宜倪、陳聖智、吳靜吉 conference
2010-07 Subjective tags and its implications on information indexin 吳筱玫 conference
2010-07 多元文化下的社區傳播:從下而上、從上而下的參與 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-09 Let the voiceless indigenous people be heard and seen: A pilot study of creating a digital community communication model in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-07 Giving a local voice: A community media, media literacy and social actions in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-08 10個台灣創意教學的故事 張寶芳 report 說明頁(3094)
2010 Chinese spouses` empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association of Relief and Ensuing Service Momesso,Lara、Sun, Mine-Ping article pdf(902)
2011 Location-Based Mobile Collaborative Digital Narrative Platform Lin, Sicai 、 Tsai, Tzu-Chieh 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Lee, Shindi conference
2011 Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Aids Efficient Digital Learning Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Wei-Kuang 、 Hsu, Jui-I conference
2010-07 Internet Pornography and Teen Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 吳筱玫 article pdf(1767)
2010-10 部落格與競選傳播:以 2008 年台灣總統大選候選人為例 蘇蘅張寶芳 article 說明頁(0)
2011 A PAN Framework to Stimulate Creativity For Narrative Chang, Yun-Tai 、Chen, Sheng-Chih 、Li, Tsai-Yen conference
2010-06 Accommodating Convergence in the Digital Age: Regulator`s Perspective/ 60th Annual ICA Conference 劉幼琍 conference
2010-06 Communication Research in Great China 彭芸 conference
2010-06 The Impact of Convergence on the Telecommunications Law and Policy: A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan 劉幼琍 conference