All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、2000-2009)

Showing 301-325 of 1803
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-10 台灣與聯合國 DENG-KER LEE conference pdf(2474)
2001-12 東北亞軍事信心建立措施:經驗與前瞻 MING LEE conference
2004-06 南韓民主化與國家安全 TO-HAI LIOU conference
2000-11 後冷戰時期澳中及加中關係之比較研究 TO-HAI LIOU conference
2002-10 國防預算檢討與和平的可能 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference web page(800)
2003-11 國際非政府組織與伊拉克人道援助 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference web page(875)
2003-10 國際非政府組織與資訊科技 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference
2003-07 國際關係中的英國學派 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference
2003.08 國際法與國際組織 KWEI-BO HUANG book/chapter web page(1141)
2003.01 美國與亞太關係—反恐優先、穩定第一 KWEI-BO HUANG book/chapter web page(1199)
2001-04 Analisis sobre el enfoque de las discusiones en torno a la Jornada de la Diplomacia Suave en los medios electronicos en chino REN-RANG CHYOU conference
2000-12 資訊科技與虛擬外交 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG book/chapter web page(895)
2003-04 網際網路與公眾外交 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference
2004-04 網際網路與模擬國際談判 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG conference
2000-03-24 論美國海外出兵之法理依據 J.K.T. CHAO conference
2004-02 ASEAN+3 and Regional Cooperation: The Dynamic Nexus of Northeast and Southeast Asia KWEI-BO HUANG conference
2005-06 Australia-Japan Economic Relations under the Howard Government TO-HAI LIOU conference
2003-10 Australia`s Economic Relations with China and Taiwan in the Post-Cold War Era TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU conference pdf(1338)
2001-09 全球化與人類安全 BIH-JAW LIN conference pdf(1512)
2002-11 Australia-United States Security Relations and the Implications for the Republic of China KWEI-BO HUANG conference
2001-03 Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Cold War Era:A Spill over from Economic Convergence to Political and Security Cooperation TO-HAI LIOU conference
2003-12 Canada`s Economic Relations with Taiwan and China in the Post-Cold War Era TO-HAI LIOU conference
2000-08 Competitions Between Two Sides of Taiwan Strait in International Society:A New Challenge in Year 2001 Teng, Chung-Chian、CHUNG-CHIAN TENG conference
2003-10 Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the WTO Context TO-HAI LIOU conference
2001-06 El Caso Elian Gonzalez y su repercusion en las relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y Cuba REN-RANG CHYOU conference