All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2010-2019)

Showing 6901-6925 of 6931
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-10 Marriage Migrants, Migrant Domestic Workers and Reproduction Crisis 夏曉鵑 conference
2013-12 Reproduction Crisis and Marriage Migrants in Taiwan 夏曉鵑、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference 說明頁(53)
2013-04 The De-spirited Drink: Exploring the Capitalization Process of Indigenous Societies in Taiwan 夏曉鵑、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference pdf(132)
2016-04 社會發展計畫審議及評估制度之調整規劃研究—社會福利類別 陳信木謝美娥蕭乃沂林佳瑩 report 說明頁(53)
2011-10 Contestation between Governing and Empowering Immigrants in Taiwan 夏曉鵑、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference
2010-06 Lucie與社發所做為批判知識分子再生產機制的想像 夏曉鵑 conference 說明頁(43)
2011-08 Reproduction Crisis and Migrant Women under Capitalist Globalization 夏曉鵑 conference
2010-07 The Making of Undocumented Im/migrants: the case of Taiwan 夏曉鵑、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan conference
2011-10 台湾における結婚移民と社会参画 夏曉鵑 conference pdf(0)
2015 Language Inheritance and Language Use in the Tayal Familie 高秀玉、Kao, Hsiu-yu thesis pdf(0)
2016-12 馬來西亞政教關係之歷史變遷(1957-2016) 游雅雯、Yu, Ya-Wen article 說明頁(91)
2018-12 Isaiah Berlin : Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher and historian of ideas 葉浩 book 說明頁(43)
2018-09 论不动产登记主义下之登记连续性 李志殷 book/chapter
2014-09 土地登記連續性之初探 李志殷 conference 說明頁(36)
2013-04 論建築改良物所有權第一次登記原則 李志殷 conference 說明頁(20)
2014-09 論區分所有建物第一次測繪與標示登記 李志殷 conference
2013-05 戰後土地總登記(權利憑證繳驗)問題之探討 李志殷 conference 說明頁(31)
2018-12 比雅楠部落種小米時期歲時祭儀中的性別關係 陳怡萱 book/chapter 說明頁(38)
2012-04 公私之別與制度的偏頗: 台灣高等教育市場化之探討 夏曉鵑、蔡培慧 conference 說明頁(14)
2010-05 環境變遷和健康不平等 林季平 article 說明頁(7)
2010-01 Social Inequality and Health Disparities---Causes, Consequence, and Policy Implications 林季平、鄭雅文 report 說明頁(11)
2010-11 Migration and Access to Medical Care 林季平 report 說明頁(14)
2015-12 Investigation of the Language Endangerment in Formosan Languages 李壬癸、章英華、林季平、劉彩秀 report 說明頁(21)
2015-06 Uneven performance of Taiwan-born wage earners in the American and Canadian job market: Important roles of educational attainment and entry age 林季平、Lin, Ji-Ping、Liaw, Kao-Lee、Liu, Chien-Chia report 說明頁(27)
2014-12 建構和運用都市原住民生活發展基礎資料庫 林季平、蔡博文、李明政、廖泫銘、劉彩秀 report 說明頁(11)