All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 51-75 of 412
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-12 西部大開發與環境生態之可持續發展 江振昌 conference
2004-03 機遇與挑戰:中共振興東北戰略評析 江振昌 conference
2003-12 西部大開發與環境生態之可持續發展 江振昌 conference
2004-11 流行文化與兩岸關係 劉勝驥 conference
2004-11 流行文化與兩岸關係 劉勝驥 conference
2002-12 大陸台商子女之教育 劉勝驥 conference
2000-04 華人社會發展模式之比較 劉勝驥 conference
2002-12 大陸台商子女之教育 劉勝驥 conference
2000-04 華人社會發展模式之比較 劉勝驥 conference
2007-01 以非傳統安全建構傳統安全:亞太區域安全合作的機會與挑戰 彭慧鸞 conference
2004-06 Role of Quasi-State Institution in Taiwan`s Informationization: A case study of III Hwei-luan Poong conference
2003-09 Networking Role of Quasi-State Institution in Taiwan`s Industrial Transformation: A case study of III 彭慧鸞 conference
2002-12 國家與社會的介面行為者:財團法人資訊工業策進會 彭慧鸞 conference
2004-10 台灣與亞太經濟合作會議(APEC) 吳玲君 conference
2002-06 小布希政府與東亞區域多邊經濟合作 吳玲君 conference
2002 日本在APEC中的角色 吳玲君 conference
2001-09 ROC and International Organizations: US Policy and ROC Approaches 吳玲君 conference
2001-09 台灣在APEC中現有的角色及未來的調整 吳玲君 conference
2003 Taiwan`s Economic Security in dual Trends of Globalization and Governance 李瓊莉 conference
2003 Maritime CBMs across the Taiwan Strait: Technical Collaborations for Human Security at Sea 李瓊莉 conference
2002-03 New Forms and Roles for Multilateral Institutions?: An Idea of Cooperation Proliferation 李瓊莉 conference
2001 ASEAN-Taiwan Cooperation on human Security Issues: Directions and Strategies 李瓊莉 conference
2000-12 Asian-Pacific Security Regionalism: A Developmental Approach 李瓊莉 conference
2000-11 Enhancing Taiwan-ASEAN Security Ties: A Comprehensive Approach 李瓊莉 conference
2000-06 Energy-Economic Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Counterbalancing Geopolitical Competition 李瓊莉 conference