All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 76-100 of 4675
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-12 The Role of Thinking and Action by Phenomenological Border-crossing 汪文聖 conference 說明頁(965)
2010-12 奧古斯丁論自然與人性的超越 ――《懺悔錄》卷十一的解析 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2011-03 The Grecian and Judeo-Christian Background in Heidegger`s Conception of Dasein : A Possible Meeting-point for Eastern and Western Philosophies 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2011-05 試論連接生命與反思的現象學方法 - 胡塞爾與海德格的比較 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2011-07 Divinity and Beauty in Process of Indication – A Phenomenological Approach 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2011-09 On Phenomenological Method of Connection between Life and Reason: A Comparison between Husserl`s and Heidegger`s Approach 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2012-04 How Can We Express What Is Implied In Our Life? – A Comparative Examination 汪文聖 conference
2012-05 How can we express what is implied in our life?– A comparative examination (Husserl, Heidegger, Arendt and Tang Chun-I) 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng conference
2010-07 處於倫理內在性與宗教超越性之間:胡塞爾與海德格的宗教現象學之比較 汪文聖 article pdf(893)
2010-08 從亞里斯多德思想來詮解海德格的《存有與時間》 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Shen article
2010 The Soteriological Meaning of Baptism (Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27) in Light of Pauline Apocalyptic 崔國瑜 conference
2011-06 Marriage and Celibacy in Corinth 崔國瑜 conference
2010-08 清代中國的外政秩序 廖敏淑 conference pdf(1199)
2011-02 龜兔賽跑?關於中日兩國近代化進程比較的問題 楊敏淑 conference
2010-05 〈Covering the Barbarians(報導╱遮蔽野蠻人):1904 年美國聖路易萬國博覽會中的「纏足女子」 楊瑞松 conference
2011-11 二十世紀末台灣民主化過程中本土人文社會學者-李永熾 薛化元 book/chapter 說明頁(1750)
2011-04 國家定位與政治改革:李登輝與蔣經國總統任內的比較 薛化元 conference 說明頁(1267)
2011-05 台灣民主運動中的傅正 薛化元 conference
2011 唐代繼室婚姻研究 羅彤華 conference pdf(3265)
2011 酌古之要,適今之宜--杜佑與中唐人士自省風氣 王德權 conference pdf(2161)
2012-03 論敦煌文學中的善惠故事─以S.3O50V、S.4480V、S.3096為主 楊明璋 article pdf(705)
2012-06 敦煌俗文學中的漢高祖 楊明璋 conference 說明頁(696)
2012-03 從記物到敘人:敦煌文獻、日用類書與徽州文書中的婚儀詩歌之比較 楊明璋 conference
2012-03 敦煌變文與祭祀 楊明璋 conference
2011-06 從敦煌文獻到日用類書:論宋元間日用類書中的婚儀及其詩文之源流 楊明璋 conference 說明頁(32)