All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 926-942 of 942
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 《王世杰日記》的史料價值——以史迪威事件及中蘇談判為例 林能士 conference pdf(555)
2006 日本大阪內國勸業會與清末中國博覽會的興起 許峰源 conference pdf(998)
2006 孫中山晚年北上致力和平統一的途徑:冀與北方當局的合作和喚起國民的覺悟 蔣永敬 conference pdf(540)
2000 村田蓑笠野——記青海民和三川“納頓節”的狂歡盛會 蔡欣欣 conference pdf(453)
2009 網路廣播節目運用在華語聽力課的教學設計 陳立芬 conference
2008-09 Processing of Japanese pitch accent by native Japanese and English listeners 杜容玥、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wu, Xianghua、Wang, Yue conference 說明頁(393)
2008-11 Effects of auditory, visual and audio-visual training on nonnative perception of English fricatives 杜容玥、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wang, Yue、Behne, Dawn、Cooper, Angela、Jiang, Haisheng、Leung, Nina conference 說明頁(38)
2008-10 Effects of training modality on audio-visual perception of place of articulation and voicing in nonnative speech 杜容玥、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wang, Yue、Behne, Dawn、Cooper, Angela、Jiang, Haisheng、Leung, Nina conference 說明頁(376)
2008-11 Hemispheric processing of pitch accent in Japanese by native and non-native listeners 杜容玥、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wu, Xianghua、Wang, Yue conference 說明頁(370)
2008-02 Japanese loanwords into Taiwanese Southern Min 柯惟惟、Ke, Wei-Wei conference 說明頁(305)
2007-05 論「正反互足例」對釋讀卜辭的重要性 林宏明Lin, Hung-Ming conference pdf(267)
2006-12 「一人有慶,兆民賴之」──蔣中正在台時期的祝壽現象及其領袖形象塑造 周俊宇、Jhou, Jyun-yu conference 說明頁(296)
2006-04 「時代創造青年」──從戰後台灣的青年節慶祝看國家權力對青年的形象塑造(1950-1975) 周俊宇、Jhou, Jyun-yu conference 說明頁(189)
2007-11 中國國民黨政權祀孔政策之初探──以孔子誕辰紀念日,大成至聖先師奉祀官制度為中心 周俊宇、Jhou, Jyun-yu conference pdf(162)
2008-05 台灣光復與黨國認同──戰後台灣光復節之歷史變遷(1945-1995) 周俊宇、Jhou, Jyun-yu conference 說明頁(184)
2006-04 「時代創造青年」──從戰後臺灣的青年節慶祝看國家權力對青年的形象塑造(1950-1975) 周俊宇、Jhou, Jyun-yu conference
2005-08 OPNET optimization of ad-hoc sensor network configuration for navigation and positioning 呂銀川、Lu, A.Y.、Liang, D. conference 說明頁(110)