All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers )

Showing 201-225 of 4339
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2001-12 布希政府戰略調整對兩岸關係的影響 鄭端耀 conference
2001-12 The Bush`s QDR and Its Strategic Implications 鄭端耀 conference
2001-03 政黨結盟與重組 吳東野 conference
2001-11 新型安全觀與兩岸關係 鄭端耀 conference
2001-05 Taiwan Security Strategies under the Missile Threat Probing of A New Approach 鄭端耀 conference
2001-01 美國新政府外交人事佈局與政策走向 鄭端耀 conference
1995-11 Transparency: the Views and Practice of the ROC 鄭端耀 conference
1996-06 務實外交與中華民國對外關係 鄭端耀 conference
1995-11 Transparency: the Views and Practice of the ROC 鄭端耀 conference
2005-05 Globalisation Human Security and SARS 甘逸驊 conference
2005-04 歐洲安全與防衛政策的軍事層面:歐盟的全球戰略地位 甘逸驊 conference
2007-05 發展中的「人類安全」概念—兼論其在歐盟非法移民問題上之適用 盧倩儀 conference
2000-01 歐洲聯盟對台海兩岸跨世紀政策走向之研究 吳東野 conference
2006-12 Elite-Citizen Gap as a Challenge for the EU 盧倩儀 conference
2005-10 從歐盟制憲經驗看歐盟民主赤字問題 盧倩儀 conference
2005-04 Deliberative Democracy European Public Sphere and the European Convention 盧倩儀 conference
2004-10 歐盟內部「非歐盟公民」之權利分析 盧倩儀 conference
2003-12 The EU Constitutionalization and Integration Theories 盧倩儀 conference
2002-12 九一一以來「歐洲公民」概念與實踐之新發展 盧倩儀 conference
2002-05 九一一後歐盟境管措施之調整 盧倩儀 conference
2003.04 區域整合理論 盧倩儀 book/chapter 說明頁(1009)
2002-01 歐盟移民及邊境管相關政策之新發展 盧倩儀 conference
2006-12 Some Preliminary Reflection on EU`s Role in the Montenegrin Independence and Its Implications 蕭琇安 conference
1999-10 歐洲安全情勢變化對兩岸關係之意義及影響 吳東野 conference
2006-04 新國際秩序下的中立概念 蕭琇安 conference