Browsing by Author Her, One-Soon

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Showing results 23 to 42 of 67 < previous   next >
12-Jul-2017Structure of numerals and numeral classifiers in Chinese: Historical and typological perspectives and cross-linguistic implications何萬順; Her, One-Soon
7-Jun-2017Structure of numerals and numeral classifiers in Chinese: Historical and typological perspectives and cross-linguistic implications何萬順; Her, One-Soon
24-Apr-2020Taxonomy of numeral classifiers and measure words: A formal semantic proposal何萬順; Her, One-Soon; Wu, Jiun-Shiung
20-Jun-2020Word order of numeral classifiers and numeral bases: Harmonization by multiplication何萬順; Her, One-Soon; Tang*, Macr; Li, Bing-Tsiong
1-Nov-2017中文分類詞與量詞之數學意涵 : 心理語言學的實證陳佳琪; Chen, Chia-Chi
12-Mar-2019其實,台灣大學生的英文並不菜何萬順; Her, One-Soon
9-Nov-2018北方漢語分類詞數量之演變對分類詞起源之意涵黃從嘉; Huang, Tsung-Chia
12-Mar-2019千萬,不要以分數決定你的未來!何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019又是狼來了!多益的假新聞何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019台灣人為什麼相信「台灣人菜英文」?何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019台灣的英語焦慮症──讓英語成為第二官方語?何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019台灣的語言價值觀與其在華語教學中的地位何萬順; Her, One-Soon
20-Jun-2020台灣閩南語分類詞之檢驗何萬順; Her, One-Soon; 陳孟英; 謝妙玲
1-Jun-2009國立大學教師的「機構典藏」與「自我典藏」:鼓勵抑或強制?何萬順; Her, One-Soon; 劉濟慈
24-Jun-2016國立大學教師的「機構典藏」與「自我典藏」:鼓勵抑或強制?何萬順; Her, One-Soon; 劉濟慈; Liu, Ji-Tsu
12-Mar-2019大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(一)何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(三)退學那把刀何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(二)破格錄取弱勢生的公平正義何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019大學強迫你考英檢,合法嗎?何萬順; Her, One-Soon
12-Mar-2019大學自治還是教育外包?-簡評台北高等行政法院106年度訴字第169號政大英語畢業門檻之判決何萬順; Her, One-Soon; 林俊儒