Browsing by Author Hsu, Mei-Ling

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 40 < previous   next >
7-Jun-2018Introduction: A Shift from the Apocalyptic Prophecy to the Boiling-Frog Analogy徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
12-Jun-2018Public Support and Intended Use of Renewable Energy: An Exploratory Model of Environmental Belief, Actions, and Communication徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
22-Apr-2020Risk perception, human values, issue communication and behavioral intention for air pollution prevention and control among Taiwanese adults徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
31-May-2010What matters and changes in condom use? Public perceptions and practices before and after the 2004 HIV/AIDS campaign in Taiwan徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
23-Jan-2013What matters and changes in condom use? Public perceptions and practices before and after the 2004 HIV/AIDS campaign in TaiwanHsu, Mei-Ling; 徐美苓
1-Oct-2018中國大陸霧霾新聞框架建構:以《人民日報》為例李子甜; Li, Zitian
26-May-2020《人民日報》霧霾新聞框架建構  (2011-2017)徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling; 李子甜; Li, Zitian
21-Dec-2020《人民日報》霧霾新聞框架建構(2011-2017)李子甜; Li, Zitian; 徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
18-Nov-2020《人民日報》霧霾新聞框架建構(2011-2017)李子甜; Li, Zitian; 徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
12-Dec-2014健康傳播研究在台灣徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
26-May-2020在專家、媒體與公眾之間:作為科技風險溝通途徑的新興科技媒體中心徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling; 高佩懃; Kao, Pei-Chin; 陳璽尹; Chen, Sinead Hsi-Yi; 劉華美; Liou, Hwa Meei; 周桂田; Chou, Kuei Tien
-「塑」造海洋:情緒圖像、效能策略及社會規範策略對閱聽人海洋塑膠污染廣告接受度之影響李朋鵬; Li, Peng-Peng
23-Jan-2013媒體再現科技發展與風險的框架與演變:以基因改造食品新聞為例謝君蔚; 徐美苓; Hsieh, Jiun-Wei; Hsu, Mei-Ling
1-Aug-2022媒體素養、科學認知、刻板印象對與憂鬱症患者互動意向的影響:以中國大陸青年為例吳馨竹; Wu, Xin-Zhu
28-Jun-2019小病微恙的真實再現-以「感冒」的新聞論述為例徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling; 丁志音; Chih-Yin, Lew-Ting
20-Jul-2015影響新聞可信度與新聞素養效能因素之探討徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
13-Sep-2017從資訊-動機-行為技能模式探討N世代青年正確用藥行為葉明佳; Yeh, Ming-Chia
23-Jan-2013從跨界借光、衝撞到在地實踐摸索的健康傳播研究旅程徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
12-Dec-2014愛滋病與媒體 – 與愛滋病研究的再生緣徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling
17-Sep-2009政治人物表演行為的媒體再現:以立法委員的電視新聞報導為例李人豪; Li, Ren-Hao