Browsing by Author Huang, Chiung-Chiu

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
7-Aug-20191998 年之後印尼華人的再華化鄧峻丞; Teng, Jiunn-Cherng
14-Apr-2015Balance of Relationship: the essence of Myanmar`s China policy黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
9-Aug-2017Balance of relationship: the essence of Myanmar`s China policy黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
8-Oct-2019Becoming Sinologists in Vietnam: The Influences of Systematic Training and Cultural Heritage黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
8-Oct-2019China and International Theory: the Balance of Relationships黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu; Shih, Chih-yu; Yeophantong, Pichamon; Bunskoek, Raoul; Ikeda, Josuke; Hwang, Yih-Jye
25-Apr-2023Chinese Relationality and The Design of Diplomatic Initiatives黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
10-Apr-2023Dancing Between Beijing and Taipei: Vietnam in the Shadow of the Belt and Road Initiative黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu; Tung, Nguyen Cong
9-Feb-2018Embedded Relationality and Role : History and Hierarchy in Vietnam’s China Policy黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
24-Dec-2021Emotions and Relations: the Group Resentment in Vietnam and Mongolia`s China Policy黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
31-Jan-2023Introduction寇健文; Kou, Chien-wen; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
8-Oct-2019Vietnam’s Relationship with Taiwan under the Shadow of China’s Belt黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu; Tung, Nguyen Cong
7-Aug-2019北京視角下的中越領土之爭與劃界爭議林亮希; Lin, Liang-Hsi
2-Mar-2018北京視野下的兩岸關係:角色理論的觀點張忠慎; Chang, Chung-Shen
8-Apr-2022小國外交-蒙古對中政策評析黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
17-Nov-2020從周邊反彈中國:越南的反中情緒、論述與宣傳黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu
5-Oct-2022成吉思汗的遺緒對當代蒙中關係的影響張元駿; Chang, Yuan-Chun
28-May-2020歷史後見之明中的新敘事: 從越南視角出發的中越關係分析,1975-1991黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu; 周功輝
-民之所欲常在我心?民意對越南對美與對中政策之影響阮功松; Tung, Nguyen Cong
2-Sep-2021越南對中、日基礎建設偏好之經濟社會成因: 由河內、胡志明市城市鐵路案例切入俞雋; Yu, Chun
14-Mar-2016關係平衡vs.普世改造:中美國際干預風格與大戰略思維之比較黃瓊萩; Huang, Chiung-Chiu