Browsing by Author Keng, Shu

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
9-Dec-2010China’s energy security: the impact on China’s foreign policy and the international order柯愛蓮; Kork, Aire
14-Sep-2009Cultural power in the space of political economy: A case study of China`s cultural import into lithuania白安潔
19-Sep-2009The dragon`s leap: China wielding its soft power in the straitJoe, Landgrebe
9-May-2016How a Man Reshapes the Image of a Country?: Analysis of President Ma’s Image among Shang Hai City from the Soft Power Perspective詹偉伶; Chan, Doreen
18-Sep-2009Institutions, foreign investment and the local state in Kunshan, China施竹漢; Johan Anders Åke Skarendal
24-Oct-2016Playing the Devil`s Advocate: Finding the Shortcomings in Internationalizing China耿曙; Keng, Shu
18-Sep-2009上海白領青年消費前衛之社區參與研究:城市青年與農村青年比較廖筱縈; Liao,Hsiao Ying
2-May-2019中國大陸東西部發展不平衡的起源:國家、市場、區域開發耿曙; Keng, Shu
14-Sep-2009兩岸新聞交流之模式與挑戰:以東森電視公司為例祝仲康; Zhu, Zhong Kang
23-Apr-2019兩岸經貿互動與台灣政治版圖:南北區塊差異推手?耿曙; Keng, Shu; 陳陸輝; Chen, Lu-Huei
9-Dec-2010台商生活在地化之個案研究-以廣州市為例李敏菁; Lee, Ming Ching Anita
14-Sep-2009台灣地區「國中歷史課程」對國中生兩岸關係看法之影響--以台北市國中生為例李淑芸; Li, Shu Yun
9-Apr-2010大陸台商生活層面的當地化:以廣東及上海為例張詠真; Chang, Yung-Chen
6-Mar-2015大陸失業勞工潮對社經之影響耿曙; Keng, Shu
9-May-2016政府大陸政策之主導因素分析:「國家中心」與「社會中心」的論證研究洪儷珊; Horng, Li an
18-Sep-2009整合過程的贏家與輸家:美古、美波與兩岸的比較個案研究柏傑士; Baldus, James
1-Apr-2014經濟扭轉政治?中共「惠台政策」的政治影響耿曙; Keng, Shu
18-Sep-2009群際接觸對登陸台灣人當地化之影響:以東莞及上海為例蔣逸青; Chiang, Yi Ching