
Showing 451-475 of 495
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-11 An Analysis from the World Society Theory to See Food Sovereignty Movement in China 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference 說明頁(218)
2018-10 Bringing Resources Management back to the Environmental Governance Agenda—Eco-State Restructuring in China 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference 說明頁(208)
2019-10 China’s Agribusiness Investment in the Global Soybean Oilseeds Supply Chain—A Food Regime Perspective 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference 說明頁(195)
2020-01 China’s Food Security Governance from a Hydraulic Society to a Corporate Food Regime 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference
2020-11 Taiwan’s Food Sovereignty Movement and Third Regionalism 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference 說明頁(193)
2020-01 台灣糧食主權運動與台灣農村陣線 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference
2021-04 The Global South under the Third Regionalism 林義鈞、Lin, Scott Y. conference 說明頁(192)
2021-04 中國因素對臺灣媒體自我審查的影響力消長:一個雙重政商關係的視角 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference 說明頁(179)
2021-10 「在這裡快樂地生活著」:原住民聚落幸福感與集體中的個人 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(200)
2021-11 美國當前種族歧視問題探討:以黑人問題為例 唐玉禮Tang, Yu-Li conference 說明頁(196)
2021-11 天下為公與愛的實踐 彭立忠Peng, Li-chung conference 說明頁(189)
2018-04 Can Health Insurance Boost Fertility? The Fertility Effect of National Health Insurance in Taiwan 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan、Mark, Elyse conference 說明頁(229)
2017-06 Children`s Health Behavior and New Preventative Health Products in Rural China 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(216)
2021-06 Gender and Public Expenditure: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Township Mayors in Taiwan 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(177)
2019-11 Impact of International Child Sponsorship from Taiwan: Evidence from Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference
2020-11 Impact of International Child Sponsorship from Taiwan: Evidence from Nepal 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(206)
2021-06 Marital Stability of Transnational Couples and Chinese Bride Interview Policy: Evidence from Taiwan 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(181)
2018-10 Urban Slum Upgrading, Migration and Household Structure 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(160)
2016-10 中國新生代農民工之支出型態分析 蘇昱璇、Su, Yu-hsuan conference 說明頁(151)
2022-01 Referendum, Constitutional Interpretation and Democracy: the case of same-sex marriage legalisation in Taiwan 魏玫娟 conference pdf(134)
2021-10 中國威權擴散與海外媒體審查:臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞的比較研究 黃兆年 conference pdf(153)
2021-11 The Response Strategies of Hong Kong and Taiwanese Journalists for Chinese-Style Media Censorship 黃兆年、Huang, Jaw-Nian conference 說明頁(241)
2022-06 既脆弱又韌性?比較中國銳實力對臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞媒體審查的影響 黃兆年 conference 說明頁(217)
2021-11 Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism among Young Farmers in Post-handover Hong Kong 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(152)
2022-03 Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism of Hong Kong in a Changing Climate 何浩慈、Ho, Hao-Tzu conference 說明頁(152)