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dc.description.abstract設立防空識別區的根本目的是為了維護國家空防安全,基本理念是「禦敵於國門之外」,是國家行使自保權的需要,是一個主權國家的重要防禦手段。空軍軍事法院院長刑洪波曾說:作為一個預警概念,防空識別區制度具有國家性、單方性、穩定性、防禦性、強制性五個方面的特性。防空識別區的劃設與國家安全的關係是緊密不分的,雖然防空識別區是由自身國家所劃設,在國際上是不具有國際法效力,但是此區可以說是一個國家空防能夠及早預警的延伸範圍,所以它的劃設是具有其必要性的。而如何劃設本身國家的防空識別區便與國際政治上國家與國家之間的影響力有密切關係。\n 近年來中共經濟發展迅速,在國際事務上已成關鍵,有發展成強權國家之勢,在2012年發生了日本收購釣魚島事件,對於東海戰略平衡上,破壞了中、日、台在東海上的平衡,也影響了中共防空識別區的劃定及周邊航道安全的維護。而2013年中共設立東海防空識別區,對於國際造成嚴重影響,尤其是東海地區局勢更加動盪。中共在2015年1月15日發布飛航公告,擬在台灣海峽劃設一條南北向新航路,與東西向三條新航路,此舉動造成台灣海峽及附近區域安全上的強烈衝擊。而美國為了圍堵、威攝和遏制中國大陸的崛起,近年來不斷的和日、韓等國家在黃海、東海、南海地區頻繁進行大規模軍演,並決定「亞太再平衡政策」,推動戰略東移目標,要在2020年內將60%的軍事力量轉移至亞太地區,擴大其在該地區的軍事基地建設,進駐先進武器在關島及其他基地。而對中華民國而言,中共劃設東海防空識別區對東海地區安全的衝擊,是非常重要的,中華民國應強化在東海的話語權,並從多邊面向思考對外發展戰略思維的調整。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEstablished air defense identification zone`s fundamental purpose is to safeguard national aviation security, the basic idea is the "enemy out," is the need to exercise the right of national self-protection is an important means of defense of a sovereign state. President of the Air Force Military Court Criminal Hongbo said: As an early warning concept, air defense identification zone system has national characteristics unilateral, stability, defense, mandatory five aspects. Designation of the relationship between national security and air defense identification zone are closely regardless, although the air defense identification zone is the designation of the country itself, it is in the international community does not have the force of international law, but this area can be said to be a country capable of air defense extending the scope of immediate early warning, so it is a designation of its necessity. And how the designation of their national air defense identification zone will be closely related to the international political influence on the state and between countries.\n In recent years, the CCP`s rapid economic development, has become critical in international affairs, has developed into a potential power countries, Japan, the acquisition of the Diaoyu Island incident occurred in 2012, the strategic balance on the East China Sea, destroyed, Japan and Taiwan in the East China Sea balance, also affected the delineation and the surrounding seaways CCP air defense identification zone maintenance. And in 2013 the CPC established the East China Sea air defense identification zone for international severely affected, especially the situation in the East China Sea region more volatile. CCP released January 15, 2015 flight announcement, to be in the Taiwan Strait designation of a new north-south route, with three new east-west route, this move will have a strong impact on the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait and regional security. And the United States to containment, deterrence and curb the rise of mainland China, in recent years, and Japan, Korea and other countries frequently conduct large-scale military exercises in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, and decided to "rebalance Asia policy" to promote the strategic eastward target to 60% in 2020 year will be transferred to the Asia-Pacific region`s military to expand its construction of military bases in the region, advanced weapons stationed in Guam and other bases. The Republic of China, the CPC designation of the impact of the East China Sea air defense identification zone of the East China Sea regional security, it is very important to the Republic of China should strengthen the right to speak in the East China Sea, and think to adjust its foreign strategic thinking from multilateral development-oriented.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 中共劃設東海防空識別區對東海區域安全的衝擊 2\n第一節 研究動機與研究目的 2\n第二節 文獻探討 3\n第三節 研究途徑與研究方法 11\n第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 13\n第二章 防空識別區的緣起與國家安全 15\n第一節 防空識別區的緣起 15\n第二節 美國防空識別區的由來 20\n第三節 日本防空識別區的由來 23\n第四節 韓國防空識別區的由來 27\n第五節 台灣防空識別區的由來 32\n第六節 小結 37\n第三章 中共劃設防空識別區背景經過與內涵 39\n第一節 中共劃設東海防空識別區的背景 39\n第二節 中共劃設東海防空識別區的經過 42\n第三節 中共劃設東海防空識別區的內涵 45\n第四節 小結 50\n第四章 中共東海防空識別區對周邊國家的衝擊及反應 52\n第一節 中共劃設東海防空識別區對東海區域的衝擊 52\n第二節 周邊主要國家的反應(美、日、台、韓、澳) 54\n第三節 中共的回應 62\n第四節 小結 64\n第五章 中共劃設東海防空識別區影響 66\n第一節 中共劃設東海防空識別區對國際政治影響 66\n第二節 中共劃設東海防空識別區對軍事安全影響 70\n第三節 中共劃設東海防空識別區對經濟影響 76\n第四節 小結 77\n第六章 結論 80\n第一節 研究發展與展望 80\n第二節 未來方向與興革建議 82\n參考書目 85zh_TW
dc.format.extent2115457 bytes-
dc.subjectAir defense identification zoneen_US
dc.subjectthe East China Sea strategyen_US
dc.subjectthe Asia-Pacific rebalancing policyen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of the security of East China Sea on PRC`S Air Defense Identification Zoneen_US
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