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題名: 以動態評量回饋系統提升國中數學學習成效
The study of using of Dynamic Asessment Feedback system to enhance the mathematics achievement of junior high school
作者: 鄭佳虹
Cheng, Chia-Hung
貢獻者: 胡悅倫
Hu, Yueh-Luen
Cheng, Chia-Hung
關鍵詞: 動態評量回饋系統
Dynamic Assessment Feedback system
mathematics achievement
Learning Attitude toward Mathematics
日期: 2016
上傳時間: 14-Nov-2016
摘要: 本研究主要目的在瞭解透過動態評量回饋系統輔助教學對提升國中數學學習成效及數學學習態度的影響。本研究針對新北市某國中八年級兩班學生共38人,每週進行五節,總計為六週之數學教學實驗。本研究採準實驗研究設計,自變項為教學模式,在實驗組以動態評量回饋系統融入學習之數學教學課程而在對照組使用一般傳統教學方法進行數學評量及回饋課程。依變項為「數學學習成效測驗」、「數學學習態度量表」,共變項為八上三次段考平均。以單因子共變數分析與二因子重複量數混合設計變異數分析進行統計分析,研究結果如下:\n一、在數學科學習成效方面:以動態評量回饋系統輔助數學教學,能提升數學科學習成效。\n二、在數學學習態度方面:在數學學習態度分向度之「外在動機」向度上,實驗組與對照組有顯著差異,證實以動態評量回饋系統輔助數學教學,能提升數學學習態度之外在動機。在數學學習態度整體面向並未有顯著差異,證實以動態評量回饋系統輔助教學並未能提升數學整體學習態度。 \n三、學生對動態評量回饋系統輔助教學的回饋:\n1、學生普遍具有正向、積極的反應。\n2、學生願意多花時間來加強數學的學習。\n綜上所述,本研究針對結果提出具體建議,以提供教學設計、數學教學及未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ mathematics learning achievement by using a Dynamic Assessment and Feedback (DAF) system. The overall investigation process is designed as a quasi-experiment, where two classes of eighth-grade junior high school students in New Taipei County were randomly assigned to either the experimental(n=18) or the control groups(n=20). It took totally six weeks, and there were five classes per week to perform the instructional experiments. \n In the experiments, the independent variables were instructional strategies and the dependent variables were Mathematics Achievement Test and Mathematics Learning Attitude. The measurement instruments include Questionnaire for Mathematics Learning Attitude, Mathematics Achievement Test, and Questionnaire for Students’ Perception of Mathematics Instruction with DAF system.\nAccording to the students’ Mathematics Achievement Test, the statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANCOVA. By conducting t-test for the scores of the math learning attitude measurement, the analysis of math learning attitude was carried out by the two-way Mixed ANOVA.\nAfter analyzing the data, the findings of this study are summarized below: \n1.Mathematics Achievement: The experimental group scored higher in the Mathematics achievement test than the control group did.\n2.Mathematics Learning Attitude: No significant interaction between the teaching methods was found in attitude for learning Mathematics. A significant difference was found between the experimental group and the control group in their extrinsic motivation for Mathematics Learning Attitude. \n3.The students’ feedback after the (DAF) system mode: \n I.Most students in the experimental group did enjoy the DAF system.\n II.Most students were willing to spend more time using the DAF system to practice Mathematics.\nFinally, based on these findings, this study proposes several suggestions for school administrators, teachers in junior high school math curriculum and future research are also discussed.
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