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dc.description.abstract現在(2011 年)の国連気候変動交渉プラットフォームは、AWG-KP(京都議定書に依拠)とAWG- LCA(国連気候変動枠組条約に依拠)という二つの作業部会で構成される「ツー・トラック」ある。このシステムは、本来「独立性」と「競争性」という二つの性質を備えている。「独立性」とは、次期枠組み交渉における各トラック間の相互不干渉性である。また 「競争性」とは、トラック間で次期枠組み草案の早期合意を競うポジティブな関係を指す。しかし、現状は交渉国間の強い利害対立を背景に、現在両トラック間では「独立性の欠如」により「負の競争性」が生成され、国連気候変動交渉の進展を妨げていることから、 本稿では「負の競争性」の生成メカニズムと交渉に与える影響を詳細に分析した。国連は、ツー・トラック方式の一本化、相互協力機関の設置などを検討し始めている。実現には困難を伴うことが予想されるが、各国は依然として交渉方式の改良を目指し、模索し続け ている。 聯合國針對氣候變遷問題自2008年起以「雙軌制」(two-track)進行國際談判。所謂「雙軌制」是指談判在兩個特設工作小組之下舉行,分別為附屬於京都議定書之下的「關於先進國家之進一步承諾特設工作小組」(AWG-KP)以及附屬於氣候變遷綱要公約之下的「關於長期合作行動特設工作小組」(AWG-LCA)。本文透過分析,指出雙軌之間在本質上應具有「獨立關係」,即雙軌之間互不干涉,各自協定草案以作為後京都氣候合作方案的一部分。另外,應具有「競爭關係」,即雙軌間為促進早日達成後京都體制所具備的積極特性。然而,在締約國間強烈利益衝突的背景之下,雙軌間之獨立關係崩潰,負面的競爭關係應運而生。本文除指出聯合國氣候談判的種種內生問題外,並視雙軌制的不完善運作為造成聯合國氣候談判陷入僵局的主要原因之一。This paper analyzes the challenges presented in the UN-led climate change negotiations from a process perspective, focusing primarily on the two-track system. Following the adoption of the Bali Action Plan in December 2007, the current two-track system was launched in a bid to produce agreements for the post-Kyoto regime. Two-track negotiations–negotiations taken place respectively at the Ad Hoc Working Groups under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) and under the Convention (AWG-LCA)–entail both independence and competitiveness: independence in that each track works separately to agree upon respective draft frameworks, while competitiveness indicates that the two working groups, given a fixed period of time to negotiate, compete to reach an early consensus. However, with strongly conflicting countries participating in a dual manner, a lack of true independence has resulted in a negative competitiveness, which in turn has triggered a deprivation of cooperation and unwillingness to compromise. Unable to reconcile fundamental discrepancies between countries, the two-track scheme should be regarded as the cause of the UN stalemate on climate change negotiation. Calls of track unification or the establishment of mutual cooperation between the two working groups have been given consideration.
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyzes the challenges presented in the UN-led climate change negotiations from a process perspective, focusing primarily on the two-track system. Following the adoption of the Bali Action Plan in December 2007, the current two-track system was launched in a bid to produce agreements for the post-Kyoto regime. Two-track negotiations–negotiations taken place respectively at the Ad Hoc Working Groups under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) and under the Convention (AWG-LCA)–entail both independence and competitiveness: independence in that each track works separately to agree upon respective draft frameworks, while competitiveness indicates that the two working groups, given a fixed period of time to negotiate, compete to reach an early consensus. However, with strongly conflicting countries participating in a dual manner, a lack of true independence has resulted in a negative competitiveness, which in turn has triggered a deprivation of cooperation and unwillingness to compromise. Unable to reconcile fundamental discrepancies between countries, the two-track scheme should be regarded as the cause of the UN stalemate on climate change negotiation. Calls of track unification or the establishment of mutual cooperation between the two working groups have been given consideration.
dc.format.extent683453 bytes-
dc.subject氣候變遷;聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約;峇里島行動計畫;哥本哈根協議;締約國會議;COP;Climate change;UNFCCC;Bali Action Plan (BAP);Copenhagen Accord;Conference of Parties (COP)
dc.title気候変動問題の国連交渉に対する検討--「ツー・トラック」を中心に 聯合國氣候變遷國際談判之檢討--以「雙軌制」為中心zh_TW
dc.title.alternative聯合國氣候變遷國際談判之檢討--以「雙軌制」為中心(International Negotiation on Climate Change under the UN Framework: Principle, Process and the `Two-track` System)
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