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dc.creatorYou, Guo-Si;Hsiung, Ann-Marie
dc.description.abstract翻譯不僅是兩國或多國語際的轉換,更應充份表達兩種或多種文化的多樣性與差異性。文化樣貌的獨特性亦賦予文學翻譯家權柄,以自身的文化經驗以及文化表述改寫異國的文學作品。翻譯過程中,翻譯家亦同時發展與傳承本國文化,翻譯活動因而成為文化發展的途逕之一,譯者應體認翻譯的文化性優先於語言的對應性。 本文針對文學文本內性別議題所透露的文化性,對應討論翻譯過程中跨文化之各項考量。其論述包括社會大眾如何以繁衍後代,多數性(主流) 傾向合理化異性戀婚姻,如同翻譯過程中多數譯者為追求譯入語與譯出語於文字上之對應,合理化地捨棄了部份原文外所傳遞的特定訴求與立場。如此,文本的忠實性,便成為翻譯家之第一原罪。本文更進一步討論文學作品內單一個體的獨特性無法滿足/吻合社會功能/社會規範對他(她)性別的設定與期待,如同翻譯所被期待的功能,或許因譯者獨特的風格、其文本領略及文化背景而無法滿足制式化文字的忠實。應忠實於自我或順應社會(原作)的標準,是身為一位個體(譯者)應深刻探討的性別議題。
dc.description.abstractTranslation Studies not only exchange two languages but also present the diversity of two cultures. Language is a kind of the cultural identity with the visible and invisible characters to represent the unique sense of civilization among different nations. In recent years, the Translation Studies have apparently moved from linguistic aspects to non-linguistic stances. Cross-cultural consideration is one of the significant non-linguistic issues, which should be concerned in the process of translating. Translators experience the similar process to the original authors’ creation if they can bring a piece of good literature crossing the boundary to be a new literary text with the local cultural-sense. The authority and diversity of cultures is two pole-views in translation studies. Although cultural diversity causes translators’ difficulty, cultural image renders the authority of rewriting to translators. Gender is one of the significant cultural images in the developing of human history. Translators should be aware of the specific thought and position in the process of the translating, and re-shape the ideas to different target readers with different cultural consideration for the same initial purpose on their writing. In other words, a translator as a rewriter who has authority to create new text renews a classic literary text for contemporary readers with expert authorities of language, culture, and translation. Hence, this paper attempts to reveal the significance of cultural consideration and authority of translators as rewriters during the process of translating the gender-oriented texts to reproduce the equivalent reading-experience for target readers.
dc.format.extent115 bytes-
dc.relation廣譯:語言、文學與文化翻譯, 5, 143-163
dc.title.alternativeThe Cultural Identity of Rewriter in Literary Translation
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
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