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dc.contributor.advisorYang, Pei Jungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiu, Ssu Yuen_US
dc.creatorChiu, Ssu Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract現今的社會對於躁鬱症認識有限,躁鬱症患者的經驗仍然不被重視,甚至遭受到負面的偏見與責難。青少年時期正處於生理心理社會蓬勃發展的階段,若是遭逢躁鬱症初次發病,很可能會影響到青少年時期各面向的發展進程。\n 本研究運用詮釋現象學研究方法,深度訪談三位從青少年時期發病並且已進入成人早期的躁鬱症患者,透過他們主觀地回溯過往的經驗,看見他們在青春期發病以來在日常生活、人際互動上的經驗,並且探究在青春期遭遇躁鬱症發病,將會對他們的發展帶來什麼樣的衝擊和影響,他們在適應的過程中又是如何看待這段生病的經歷。最後,從受訪者的角度出發,給予實際的建議幫助他人可以適切地與正經歷躁鬱症的青少年相處。\n 研究發現,三位受訪者在青少年階段發病都經歷到生理心理社會層面的衝擊與轉變,尤其面臨到兩大方面的困擾,第一方面的困擾是疾病本身的生理症狀、藥物副作用帶來的失能狀態,影響到他們日常生活的運作和人際關係的品質。第二方面的困擾來自於大環境的價值觀和結構,包括社會普遍對於躁鬱症經驗缺乏認知而帶來的社會汙名,以及社會制度的缺失帶來的結構性汙名,進而使得他們內化這些汙名而形成自我汙名的感受。然而,三位受訪者在與躁鬱症和環境抗衡的過程中,都透過思索生病意義和重新塑造自己,找到與躁鬱症的共存之道。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn today’s society, there is limited understanding of bipolar disorder (BD). The life experience of BD patients is not yet being fully heard and understood. Furthermore, some even face accusation and negative bias in their surroundings. Adolescence is a period in life when young people flourish socially, physiologically and psychologically. Adolescence-onset BD might affect the progress of their development in various aspects.\n This thesis used the method of hermeneutic phenomenology. In-depth interviews were conducted with three young adults with adolescence-onset BD. The interviewees described their personal experience with BD during their adolescent years. The significance of such retrospection is as follows: 1) understanding of their daily and social experience since the onset of BD in adolescence; 2) understanding of the effects of adolescence-onset BD on their development; 3) understanding of their views being a patient and the way they adapted to BD; and 4) from their standpoints, proposing recommendations for practice on ways to appropriately interact with adolescents experiencing BD.\n This investigation discovered that the three interviewees, since the onset of BD in their adolescence, had encountered changes and challenges in social, physiological and psychological aspects. There were two types of difficulties in particular. First, physiological symptoms of BD and side-effects of medication disempowered them, and adversely affected their daily functioning and quality of social life. Second, the difficulty they experienced traced back to the values and institutions of society as a whole. For instance, social and structural stigma, originating from a lack of understanding of BD and deficiencies in the social institutions, led to internalization of social stigma. While wrestling with BD and the social world, the three interviewees had managed to reflect on the meaning of being ill, reframed their perspective of lives and found ways to live with BD.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論\n第一節 研究緣起與問題意識 3\n第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7\n\n第二章 文獻探討\n第一節 躁鬱症與青少年 8\n第二節 躁鬱症青少年的心理社會發展脈絡 26\n第三節 精神疾病與汙名 38\n\n第三章 研究設計\n第一節 研究典範與研究方法 49\n第二節 研究對象邀請與研究工具 56\n第三節 研究分析方法、分析架構與嚴謹度 69\n第四節 研究倫理 74\n\n第四章 生命(病)的滋味─三位躁鬱症受訪者的故事\n第一節 在苦難中遇見上帝的小愷 76\n第二節 體會更寬廣生命的小雪 97\n第三節 重新拿回人生主導權的小咚咚 119\n\n第五章 研究分析與討論\n第一節 生活形體 140\n第二節 生活關係 150\n第三節 生活空間 164\n第四節 生活時間 178\n第五節 與躁鬱症青少年同行 193\n\n第六章 結論與建議\n第一節 結論 197\n第二節 研究省思與建議 202\n第三節 研究限制與建議 208\n\n\n參考文獻 210\n附件一 研究同意書 219\n附件二 訪談大綱 220\n表1 受訪者基本資料與訪談資料表 59\n表2 病程資料表 60\n表3 服藥經歷表 61\n表4 就學歷程表 62zh_TW
dc.format.extent2793760 bytes-
dc.subjectAdolescents with bipolar disorderen_US
dc.subjectPersonal storiesen_US
dc.subjectHermeneutic phenomenologyen_US
dc.titlePeople with adolescence-onset bipolar disorder: Personal stories in retrospecten_US
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