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dc.contributor.advisorCheng, Chih-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Ting-Yunen_US
dc.creatorChen, Ting-Yunen_US
dc.description.abstractThe population structure in Taiwan is facing the problem of decreasing birth rate and aging society which is predicted that the working population will continue to decrease and it will be aging in the future. Therefore, Labor policies must be prepared and take appropriate measures for the shortage of labor market. It is also become an opportunity to promote women`s participation in the labor market. In 2018, female population in Taiwan has surpassed that of men, and it shows that female population in the future will become the main force of the labor market. Increasing female labor participation rate is considered to be the best choice for the shortage of labor market. However, the phenomenon of women who withdraw from the labor market after the age of 30 is affected by factors such as marriage, childbirth, child-caring for the family. Besides, female participation rate declines with age, and rate of female participation over 45 years old in Taiwan is lower than Japan and South Korea because women in Taiwan don`t return to the labor market due to marriage, childbirth and early retirement age. Female labor participation rate in Taiwan develop in ``V``, but women in Japan and Korea will returned to the labor market after their children grow up and makes female labor participation rate develop in ``M``. It shows that it is difficult for women to return to the workplace and, especially for middle-aged women.\n\nThrough one-to-one interview and the document analysis, the study will understand the current situation of married women in Taiwan and the difficulties in returning to the labor market, as well as the opinions and suggestions of experts, scholars and government agencies on current policies. It will also take the experience and the policy of career-break women in Japan and South Korea as reference. Refer to the document analysis and the interview, the study will give the advice for labor policy to promote career-break women re-entry into the labor market in Taiwan.The study divide career break women into two categories: the career break women who have the experience to re-entry into the labor market, and the career break women who don`t re-entry into the labor market after they leave the labor market due to marriage, childbirth and child-caring. It shows that they are in the common dilemma of individuals, families, and work: the dilemma in individuals mainly comes from the effect of age, lack of experience and knowledge. Family status is the opposition form family members, affecting family harmony, caring for children by herself, and most of the attitudes towards the current children care system and the quality of nursery care are mostly untrustworthy. There are problems in work environment, such as inflexible working hours, poor working conditions, low employer`s willingness to hire, and work choices that have been affected by past work experience and occupational restrictions, and can also find that women`s work ability is belittled. In terms of policy suggestions, the study considers that the government must strengthen employment services and support assistance in individual status by enhancing the service density of employment service and support, understanding the number and trends of career break women, strengthening the effectiveness of promoting employment information and supply to those who need. Advice to the family status is the government must establish a childcare system that mother needs and create a friendly environment in workplace. Within family, Cooperation between family members to do the house working and child-caring is necessary, so that women who have the needs of caring for their children can continue to work without concern. In the work and the environment status, it must maintain a stable employment situation for women by providing multiple job design and friendly workplace, and assisting employers to re-recognize the female workforce, encouraging employers to increase their willingness to hire women and the women will have chances of returning to the labor market.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與目的 1\n第二節 研究方法 5\n第三節 研究範圍與限制 6\n第四節 研究流程與章節安排 7\n\n第二章 我國女性就業之相關討論 9\n第一節 我國女性的一般性就業問題 9\n第二節 我國已婚女性就業現況與二度就業之問題 17\n第三節 二度就業婦女相關政策措施 42\n第四節 小結 49\n\n第三章 促進婦女就業之國際趨勢 51\n第一節 女性就業之國際觀點 51\n第二節 日本女性就業現況與促進就業措施 61\n第三節 南韓女性就業現況與促進就業措施 72\n第四節 小結 84\n\n第四章 訪談資料分析 88\n第一節 訪談對象與設計 88\n第二節 訪談發現 93\n第三節 訪談分析 126\n第四節 小結 133\n\n第五章 結論與建議 135\n第一節 結論 135\n第二節 建議 138\n\n參考文獻 143\n附錄:訪談記錄 148zh_TW
dc.format.extent3800948 bytes-
dc.subjectCareer Break Womenen_US
dc.subjectRe-entry into labor marketen_US
dc.subjectEmployment issuesen_US
dc.subjectFemale labor policyen_US
dc.titleA study on the iIssue and relevant policy of re-entry into the labor market for career break womenen_US
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