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dc.contributor.advisorHsu, Heng-Daen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Yi-Shengen_US
dc.creatorLiu, Yi-Shengen_US
dc.description.abstractThe sanctity of one`s home is the privacies of life and indefeasible right of personal security, personal liberty, and private property, and the dependency on the peace of one’s home. These highlight the particularity of Home. In this particular place, invasion is accompanied by potential violation. The proposed urgency and threat are far more severe to the person in one’s home than regular places. Therefore, one’s defensive actions are more aggressive than usual. Under current standards, they are often categorized as excessive force in self-defense.\nConsidering the particularity of one’s home, the current criteria of self-defense need to be re-examined. In Chapter Two, self-defense in our Criminal Law was introduced and analyzed from the aspects of theory and practice. The particularity of self-defense in one’s home was then proposed. In Chapter Three, self-defense in Anglo-American law was also analyzed from the aspects of theory development and the practice in the court. The Castle Doctrine and the Stand Your Ground Law in American law were also analyzed, introduced, and reviewed in detail. In Chapter Four, the Castle Doctrine was referenced to our Criminal Law, and applications and exceptions were suggested. The study proposed that when judging “self-defense in one’s home” cases, whether danger exists should be considered by a reasonable prudent person in one’s shoes instead of in hindsight. Finally, the applications were applied to the original case discussed in the beginning of the study in Chapter Five, and the results and indications were concluded.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第一章 緒論 11\n第一節 緣起 11\n第二節 研究動機 13\n第三節 研究方法 15\n第四節 本文架構說明與名詞解釋 16\n第二章 我國法之正當防衛 19\n第一節 我國正當防衛理論之發展 19\n第二節 我國正當防衛之要件 42\n第三節 正當防衛手段必要性之實務見解 54\n第四節 住所內正當防衛類型之特殊性 60\n第五節 小結 62\n第三章 美國法之正當防衛 64\n第一節 緒論 – 美國刑法理論簡介 67\n第二節 美國正當防衛規範之歷史發展 78\n第三節 當代美國正當防衛之規範 95\n第四節 當代美國正當防衛各州歧異比較與說明 142\n第五節 「不退讓法」之爭議與反思–STATE OF FLORIDA V. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN 160\n第六節 小結 171\n第四章 再探我國住所內正當防衛 174\n第一節 基本問題 174\n第二節 堡壘原則於我國刑法之適用性 175\n第三節 堡壘原則適用之例外 189\n第四節 住所內正當防衛之特別性分析 196\n第五節 小結 199\n第五章 結論 201\n第一節 勇夫護妻案之分析與應用 201\n第二節 研究成果的回顧與未來展望 202\n參考文獻 206\n美國判決索引 219\n模範刑法典與美國法規列表 223\n附錄—模範刑法典與美國正當防衛法各州規範選譯 227\nMODEL PENAL CODE 模範刑法典 230\nALABAMA 阿拉巴馬州 241\nALABAMA CRIMINAL CODE (2018) 阿拉巴馬州刑法(2018) 241\nCALIFORNIA 加利福尼亞州 245\nCALIFORNIA PENAL CODE (1982) 加利福尼亞州刑法 (1982) 245\nCALIFORNIA CRIMINAL JURY INSTRUCTIONS (2019) 加州陪審團指示 (2019) 245\nFLORIDA 佛羅里達州 250\nTHE 2019 FLORIDA STATUTES 佛羅里達州法(2019) 250\nMASSACHUSETTS 麻薩諸塞州 254\nMASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS(2019) 麻薩諸塞州法(2019) 254\n1 CRIMINAL MODEL JURY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE IN THE MASSACHUSETTS DISTRICT COURT 9.260 (2009) 麻州模範陪審團指示第9.260條—正當防衛(2009) 254\nNEW YORK 紐約州 260\nNEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW (1965) 紐約州刑法 (1965) 260\nOHIO 俄亥俄州 264\nOHIO REVISED CODE (2019) 俄亥俄州法(2019) 264\nOHIO OFFICIAL JURY INSTRUCTIONS: CRIMINAL (2019) 266\nPENNSYLVANIA 賓夕凡尼亞州 269\nPENNSYLVANIA CONSOLIDATED STATUTES (2019) 269\nTEXAS 德克薩斯州 276\nTEXAS PENAL CODE (2017) 德克薩斯州刑法(2017) 276\nVERMONT 佛蒙特州 282\nVERMONT MODEL CRIMINAL JURY INSTRUCTIONS (2019) 282\nWASHINGTON, D.C. 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 286\n1 CRIMINAL JURY INSTRUCTIONS FOR DC INSTRUCTION (2019) 286zh_TW
dc.format.extent4082343 bytes-
dc.subjectExcessive Force in Self-Defenseen_US
dc.subjectSanctity of one’s homeen_US
dc.subjectPeace of one’s homeen_US
dc.subjectThe Castle Doctrineen_US
dc.subjectThe Stand Your Ground Lawen_US
dc.titleSelf-Defense from the angle of the Castle Doctrineen_US
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