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題名: 顧客關係管理下之衝突管理探討-以A公司為例
An exploration of conflict management under customer relationship management (CRM):a case study of A Company
作者: 羅佩伶
Lo, Pei-Ling
貢獻者: 羅明琇
Lo, Pei-Ling
關鍵詞: 顧客關係管理
Customer relationship management
Conflict management
The needs of customer
The satisfaction of customer
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 3-Jan-2020
摘要: 在以往的年代,企業在經營事業時只管將其所想要推出的產品推出即可,消\n費者從以購買產品能不能用之「理性消費」演進成喜不喜歡的「感性消費」、\n再到對產品、服務滿意或不滿意的「感動消費」,企業因應時代潮流的改變,\n從企業成立之初有人力、資金、產品、成本到了提昇速度和彈性反應等競爭優\n勢,也訂定了正確的策略方向-「滿足顧客的需求」,留住顧客、讓顧客滿意才\n是企業利潤的來源。本研究結合顧客關係管理及衝突管理兩者領域,以實際個\n案之研究發現和分析,說明企業是如何在為了要達成目標或任務中與顧客發生\n衝突的情況下之顧客管理機制。\n\n本研究利用個案研究法分析目前全球科技資訊相關產品製造的A公司為例,\n探討其透過何種衝突解決方法以達成任務和目標,同時也鞏固了與顧客之間的\n關係。從實際個案研究發現,取得顧客信任、符合顧客購買需求、提供顧客多\n元服務以及協助與顧客之間的作業流程改善等是以互動和連結方式來維持顧\n客。任務衝突和關係衝突這兩種衝突,更顯著表現其足以影響企業的經營績\n效,而在與顧客發生衝突時之解決方法又以部份妥協(Compromising)、合作\n(Collaboration) 、問題解決(Problem Solving)、部份協商(Negotiation)的正面態度尋求雙贏之解決方式為最適當之處理方法。實際個案案例驗證了企業必須建立與顧客親近的策略和正確且有效的顧客關係管理,來達到以顧客價值最大化之顧客滿意度。
It was appropriate to promote any product with the free wills of enterprises in the past whereas the enterprises have to follow the alternations of trends, by the transformations of consumer behaviors from rational consumption to sensitive consumption, and then to touching consumption. From the considerations of human power, capital, product and cost to the competitive superiorities of pace and flexible responses, enterprises have to establish accurate strategies to satisfy the needs of customer, retaining them to become the sources of business profits. The study is to combine customer relationship management with conflict management, enumerating how enterprises implement the mechanism of customer management to achieve their targets and missions under the conflicts with customers, through the analysis of empirical case.\n\nCase study is adopted to analyze the A company, which is a global technology information product manufacturer, and scrutinizing how A company deal with its mission and target as well as consolidate the relationships between customers. In the lights of the results, the maintenance of customer is based on the reliance of customer, the needs of customer, the multiple services, and the assistance of operation process between customers. Moreover, the business performance of enterprise is significantly affected by mission conflicts and relationship conflicts, and the positive attitudes of partial compromising, collaboration, problem solving and partial negotiation strategies are appropriate ways to eliminate customer conflicts to seek win-win situation. Empirical case verifies that enterprises have to build customer-oriented strategies and accurate and effective customer relationship management to reach the maximum customer values of the satisfaction of customer.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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