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dc.contributor.authorWang, You-Xianen_US
dc.creatorWang, You-Xianen_US
dc.description.abstractThe “labor right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” concerns their rights to prevent endangering themselves. When faced with hazardous working conditions and unable to obtain appropriate safeguards for their safety, workers may remove themselves from the hazards without having to worry about unfavorable treatment from their employer. This right should be categorized as a form of the "right to refuse." But when compared with other similar concepts in Civil Code such as self-helping behavior, necessity and the right of concurrent performing counterplea, the “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” shares certain features with those three foregoing concepts, but its main constituent elements are obviously different.\n\nIn addition, most doctrines and practices in Taiwan agree that relevant provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and inference of specific meaning from the “duty to care and protect” set forth in Article 483-1 of the Civil Code naturally include the “labor right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” as discussed in this study. However, comparison of the two shows that the former concerns the employer’s duty to protect his employees pre-emptively, while the latter is concerned with reaction to immediate danger in the workplace, regardless of any premise that the hazard be attributable to the employer. This shows that compared with the duty to care and protect of Article 483-1 of the Civil Code, the “labor right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” is still a different level of protection.\n\nIn the International Labour Convention, the "right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger" is explicitly stipulated as a necessary guarantee for the occupational safety of workers, and the European Union and major advanced countries around the world have incorporated this concept into the protections offered by their domestic laws. With reference to the aforementioned provisions, this study offers a broad summary of the five foundations underpinning the “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger”, namely: the right to refuse dangerous work, the employer`s obligation to evacuate, the right to emergency escape, the right to refuse to return to work amid hazards, and the prohibition of unfavorable treatment of workers.\n\nWhen Taiwan revised its Occupational Safety and Health Act in 2013, it added provisions on the “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger”. However, in comparison with the above conventions and foreign legislation, we find that the existing law still had many deficiencies that require amendment and addition in the future.\n\nIn view of the frequent occurrence of the major disasters in recent years and unfortunate incidents that have injured or even killed firefighters, a thorough study of the current occupational safety protection regulations relating to firefighters shows that most firefighters are not only excluded from the application of the “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, but also remain unprotected under “necessity” in the Criminal Code. If they can only enjoy the empty protection of the Regulations Governing Safety and Sanitary Protection of Civil Service, it will remain difficult to safeguard the firefighters’ basic occupational safety.\n\nHowever, as a universal value guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of China, labor protection applies to both the public and private sectors. The concept of firefghters’ “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” is derived from the aforementioned core content of the “right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger” (i.e. the five foundations cited above). This study discusses its constituent elements, namely: this right’s subjects and objects, timing and standards, methods and constraints, post-hoc obligations, and supervision of unlawful conduct, and proposes specific amendments to the law. The author hopes that establishing a more complete mechanism as mentioned above will effectively enhance the safeguards for the occupational safety of firefighters and minimize injuries and casualties.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 3\n第三節 研究方法 3\n第四節 論文章節架構 4\n第二章 退避權在勞動關係中的地位 6\n第一節 一般契約關係中之給付拒絕權 6\n第一項 自助行為 6\n第二項 緊急避難 10\n第三項 同時履行抗辯權 14\n第四項 其他給付拒絕權 17\n第二節 勞動關係中雇主之保護照顧義務 18\n第一項 保護照顧義務之發展 18\n第二項 保護照顧義務之內涵 22\n第三項 違反保護照顧義務之法律效果 26\n第三節 小結 29\n第三章 勞工退避權之發展 33\n第一節 退避權在國際法暨區域組織之規範 33\n第一項 國際法 33\n第二項 區域組織 37\n第二節 外國勞工退避權之發展 40\n第一項 德國 40\n第二項 中國大陸 44\n第三節 退避權於我國勞動法之保護 49\n第一項 法制發展沿革 49\n第二項 一般要件探討 52\n第四節 小結 59\n第四章 消防人員退避權之課題 63\n第一節 公務員之服從勤務指示義務 63\n第二節 消防人員退避權之內涵 66\n第一項 退避權之必要性 66\n第二項 退避權之基本內容 77\n第三節 消防人員退避權之要件 80\n第一項 行使主體及對象 80\n第二項 行使時機與標準 85\n第三項 行使方法與限制 99\n第四項 行使後義務及違法性監督 101\n第五項 行使退避權與公共利益之衝突 103\n第四節 案例討論─以桃園敬鵬工廠火災為例 105\n第一項 案例背景 105\n第二項 搶救困境 108\n第三項 退避權適用之可行性 111\n第五節 小結 113\n第五章 結論與建議 116\n第一節 研究結論 116\n第二節 研究建議 119\n參考文獻 124zh_TW
dc.format.extent2935419 bytes-
dc.subjectRight to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in dangeren_US
dc.subjectOccupational safetyen_US
dc.titleA study on the labor right to refuse or to stop work where health and safety in danger ─ centered on firefightersen_US
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