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dc.description.abstract近年來,教師幸福感降低、壓力倍增,造成各國教師紛紛離開教育的行列,盼用「科研合作」方式,以全新的角度、全世界的觀點,找出教師幸福感科研合作領域中,可以借鏡學習的對象。\n本研究使用 Web of Science 核心合輯進行文獻資料檢索與蒐集,以Teacher well-being 和Teacher happiness 作為主題關鍵字,取兩者的聯集,時間設定為1900 年至2019 年,獲得1686筆教師幸福感的文獻,為使文獻資料更聚焦於教師幸福感,故再將領域限縮為教育領域,共獲得472 篇文獻,再使用BibExcel 軟體,分析出教師幸福感科研合作領域的作者、機構、國家及地區的度中心性、中介中心性、關係資本、科研合作發文量和成為主要作者的次數,以Pajek 與 Excel 繪製圖表後,分析出教師幸福感科研合作之文獻計量分析的主要作者、機構、國家及地區。\n研究發現,教師幸福感科研合作之文獻計量分析中,最具影響力的主要作者是 Kirsi Pyhältö 和Sharon Wolf,主要機構為赫爾辛基大學,主要國家及地區為英國和美國,以利後續研究教師幸福感議題時參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, decrease of teachers’ well-being and increasing pressure to teachers have been causing teachers from all over the world to quit. We hope to use scientific collaboration in a new and global perspective to find solutions in the field of bibliometric analysis of collaboration in teacher well-being research.\nThis study applied the Web of Science core collection for literature collection with the combination of two keywords: Teacher well-being and Teacher happiness. We acquired 1686 documents during 1900 to 2019. In order to focus on teachers’ well-being, we narrowed the field down to education and educational research. As a result, 472 documents were obtained, and were further analyzed by BibExcel with the data of the authors, institutions, regions and countries. Finally, the data would be illustrated by Pajek and Excel to analyze the main authors, institution, countries and regions of the bibliometric analysis of collaboration in teacher well-being research.\nWe found that, in the field of bibliometric analysis of collaboration in teacher well-being research, the main authors are Kirsi Pyhältö and Sharon Wolf, the main institution is the University of Helsinki, the main countries and regions are the United Kingdom and the United States.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論...................................................1\n第一節 研究背景與動機...........................................1\n第二節 研究目的與待答問題.......................................4\n第三節 名詞釋義...............................................5\n第四節 研究範圍及限制...........................................6\n第二章 文獻探討...............................................8\n第一節 幸福感之重要內涵.........................................8\n第二節 教師幸福感之重要內涵...................................17\n第三節 科研合作概述與發展.....................................28\n第三章 研究設計與實施.........................................32\n第一節 研究架構...............................................32\n第二節 資料來源及研究工具.....................................33\n第三節 資料處理與分析.........................................35\n第四章 研究結果與分析.........................................37\n第一節 教師幸福感作者科研合作分析.............................37\n第二節 教師幸福感機構科研合作分析.............................45\n第三節 教師幸福感國家及地區科研合作分析.......................53\n第五章 結論與建議.............................................63\n第一節 研究結論...............................................63\n第二節 研究建議...............................................64\n參考文獻......................................................65zh_TW
dc.format.extent1511698 bytes-
dc.subjectTeacher well-beingen_US
dc.titleBibliometric Analysis of Collaboration in Teacher Well-being Researchen_US
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