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dc.contributor.advisorLiao, Chun-Feng<br>Chen, Yi-hsiuen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Yun-Zhenen_US
dc.creatorLee, Yun-Zhenen_US
dc.description.abstractDeeply Influenced by Chinese social tradition, it is common in Taiwan that family caregivers assist their aging family members confronted with declining functional abilities without payments, while their own psychological pressures and physical burdens that the caregivers experienced being ignored.\nThe purpose of this research is to design a mobile service, Carelendar, to increase motivation for self-care of the family caregivers from a gamification perspective. This research adopts in-depth interviews and targets family caregivers and experts to define the needs of the users and designed a prototype for field testing. A diary study is carried out to evaluate the user experience (UX) of the prototype.\nThe results indicate that Carelendar can remind the family caregivers to casually consider their own needs and do self-care activities during an extremely busy time. Although it’s defined from a gamification strategy, the most popular game mechanisms, that’s points, levels, and badges, aren’t good choices in this situation. On the other hand, meaningful gamification, such as story-telling, interaction, and choices make Carelendar a caring friend who keep the family caregivers company whenever and wherever, and that empowers them, finally leading to a better quality of life as they strike a balance between caregiving and living their own life.\nThis study suggests that gamification is an effective design strategy while not all game mechanisms works for increasing motivation and changing behavior if the designers have a profound understanding of the user and context. In this way, the designers can utilize the most suitable game mechanisms at the right time.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents表次 VIII\n圖次 IX\n第一章 緒論 11\n第一節 研究背景與動機 11\n一、 高齡社會下家庭照顧者的困境 11\n二、 透過遊戲化設計提升家庭照顧者自我照顧意識 12\n第二節 研究目的與問題 14\n第三節 研究限制 14\n一、 受訪者徵集困難 15\n二、 原型工具有所侷限 15\n三、 態度與行為改變察覺不易 15\n四、 設計邏輯與分析方法間的落差 16\n第二章 文獻探討 17\n第一節 家庭照顧者與照顧負荷 17\n一、 照顧負荷 17\n二、 照顧者需求 18\n三、 支持性服務措施 20\n四、 自我照顧 21\n第二節 從遊戲到遊戲化設計 22\n一、 遊戲化設計概覽 22\n二、 遊戲化設計實務 25\n三、 八角框架(Octalysis Framework) 25\n四、 遊戲化設計應用於健康促進 27\n第三章 研究方法 32\n第一節 研究架構 32\n第二節 研究對象 33\n一、 家庭照顧者 33\n二、 專家學者 37\n第三節 研究實施流程 39\n第四節 原型設計與製作 41\n一、 目標使用者 42\n二、 初版原型 44\n三、 第二版原型 48\n第五節 資料蒐集與分析 65\n一、 使用者需求分析階段 65\n二、 使用者經驗評估階段 67\n第四章 研究發現與討論 69\n第一節 使用者需求分析之發現 69\n一、 照顧者歷程 69\n二、 透過遊戲化設計滿足照顧者需求 73\n第二節 使用者經驗評估之發現 78\n一、 自我照顧情形 78\n二、 Carelendar使用情形 80\n三、 家庭照顧者對遊戲化設計的評價 82\n第五章 結論與建議 87\n第一節 遊戲化機制提升自我照顧動機 87\n第二節 行動應用服務介入時機 88\n第三節 遊戲化設計使用建議 88\n第四節 未來展望 90\n參考文獻 92\n附錄A 照顧工作檢視表 100\n附錄B 自我照顧記錄表 101\n附錄C Carelendar每日使用記錄表 103zh_TW
dc.format.extent12727584 bytes-
dc.subjectfamily caregiveren_US
dc.subjectmobile servicesen_US
dc.titleIncreasing Motivation for Self-Care of Family Caregivers with Mobile Services: A Gamification Perspectiveen_US
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