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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Mei-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Ching-Hsinen_US
dc.creatorHsu, Ching-Hsinen_US
dc.description.abstractIt’s a trend that labor organizes trade union and have collective bargaining with capitalists to improve their working conditions. In the past, the public thought that only blue-collar workers suffered bad working conditions. However, white-collar workers, such as flight attendants, also organized trade union and called a strike against capitalists. The purpose of this study is to explore why flight attendants join Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union (TFAU) and find out factors that influence their participation and how the union manages to retain them and increase their labor consciousness. Besides, this study also discussed the challenge the union faces in the future and the solutions to address the challenge.\nThis study found that whether flight attendants participate in the trade union or not was influenced by economic factors and social network the most. Market factors and corporate management also push them to take actions to change the current situation. Through the strikes, we found labors in Taiwan lack class consciousness and collective consciousness so that they are not aware of the exploitation and the importance of collective action. It’s hard to resist the capitalist individually. Therefore, labors have to organize in order to fight for their rights. Therefore, the only way to improve their working conditions is to provide knowledge of labor rights and make them realize the importance of the union.\nBesides, TFAU will face the challenge of recruitment of new members, for which I would suggest that the union should enhance labor education aspread labor knowledge through social media platform or holding seminars so that union members and the general public can have a better ideas about unions and collective actions. It’s better to have younger generations to reach the knowledge in addition to the training of the talents.\nTFAU launched the strike by flight attendants twice and reach a new milestone in Taiwan. Compared to flight attendants strike of China Airline China Airline, the strike at Eva Air practiced a real confrontation between labor and capitalist, without intervention of the government or third party, and they both paid the price. It also caused flight attendants to drop out of TFAU. This event is a good lesson for other trade unions and capitalists in Taiwan.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 5\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 空服員勞動議題 7\n第二節 不當勞動行為與工會參與的關係 11\n第三節 工會承諾與工會參與的關係 14\n第四節 工會行動與工會參與的關係 22\n第五節 勞工教育對工會參與之影響 28\n第三章 研究方法 32\n第四章 研究發現 36\n第一節 促使空服員參與工會的因素 36\n第二節 空服員不願參與工會的因素 44\n第三節 勞工教育的重要性 52\n第五章 結論與建議 56\n一、 結論 56\n二、 研究建議 59\n參考文獻 61\n附錄 67zh_TW
dc.format.extent2504089 bytes-
dc.subjectflight attendantsen_US
dc.subjectparticipation in trade unionen_US
dc.subjectlabor consciousnessen_US
dc.titleWhy I Participate in Trade Union- A Case Study of Taoyuan Flight Attendants Unionen_US
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