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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Hui-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yu-Rongen_US
dc.creatorChang, Yu-Rongen_US
dc.description.abstractBy applying Goffman’s Dramaturgy Theory, this research aims to explore the phenomenon of female selfie editing and answer the following question: when the audiences are aware of the inconsistent images inconsistency of the performance of social media users, will they act as persons in the know and go along with the performance, or will there be different interpersonal interactions developed? At the same time, through the lens of the interpretive communities concept and reader response theory, this research tries to understand the conditions that might influence the audiences’ interpretation and how they establish the interpretation which brings changes to interpersonal relationships.\n\nThe researcher conducted in-depth interviews and observation for data collection, finding that in order to maintain interpersonal relationships, audiences will implement the accompaniment strategy whether they have close relationships or not. In addition, the audiences do not adopt the accompaniment strategy solely for the accomplishment of others’ performance; their own images are the primary concern.\n\nFinally, not only the social media users (performers) adjust their performance according to the feedback from the audiences, but the audiences also modify the strategies of interpersonal interaction on the basis of their interpretations. Both sides are contained by the interpersonal relationships and adhere to the communal norms and lead by the operating mechanism behind the female the selfie editing phenomenon.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 社群自拍夯 美出新高度 1\n第二節 社群時代下的圖像化人際互動 4\n第三節 研究目的與問題 7\n第二章 文獻探討 9\n第一節 看招:自我圖像展演如何建構與他人的關係 9\n一、 自我展演的成功,仰賴劇班的共舞 9\n二、 當展演躍上社群舞台:觀眾與劇班的角色逐漸模糊 10\n三、 當自我圖像做為展演素材,閱聽人如何掌握線索 12\n四、 小結 17\n第二節 接招:從接收分析探問社群閱聽人本音 18\n一、 接收分析理論源流 18\n二、 用「詮釋社群」來詮釋社群文本 19\n三、 從讀者反應理論檢視閱聽人接收感知之建構 21\n四、 小結 24\n第三節 出招:社群展演下的人際互動 25\n一、 社群人際關係的特色 25\n二、 社群平台功能如何影響人際互動 27\n三、 社群自我揭露與互動策略 28\n四、 小結 30\n第三章 研究方法與研究設計 33\n第一節 研究方法 33\n一、 深度訪談法 33\n二、 觀察研究法 34\n第二節 研究設計與分析策略 34\n第三節 研究對象 37\n第四章 研究發現 41\n第一節 閱聽人如何辨識文本空隙 41\n一、 詮釋社群:閱聽人的內建濾鏡 41\n二、 前在理解與期待視野:與既定印象的碰撞 49\n第二節 閱聽人如何縫補意義 59\n一、 永不落幕的表演:他者目光的爭奪戰 59\n二、 我曬故我在:看見我、認同我 65\n第三節 閱聽人的社群互動策略 70\n一、 閱聽人的社群互動策略分析 70\n二、 文本擴充與詮釋循環 84\n第五章 研究結果與建議 91\n第一節 結論與發現 91\n第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議 94\n參考文獻 96\n附錄 104\n附錄一、線上問卷大綱 104\n附錄二、深度訪談法題綱 106zh_TW
dc.format.extent2110715 bytes-
dc.subjectInterpretive communitiesen_US
dc.subjectReader response theoryen_US
dc.subjectGoffman Dramaturgy Theoryen_US
dc.subjectInterperson interactionen_US
dc.subjectSocial selfie edittingen_US
dc.titleA Reception Analysis of Social Media Audiences’ Interpersonal Interactions – A Case of Female Selfie Editing Phenomenaen_US
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