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dc.contributor.advisorYen, Si-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Hongen_US
dc.creatorChen, Hongen_US
dc.description.abstractWith the demand brought by the rapid economic development, related financial services have sprung up, making consumers` lives more convenient, and also driving the progress of the society as a whole, making countries gradually develop inclusive finance through various methods, and Taiwan is also among the ranks. As of 2017, the percentage of Taiwan’s adult population with bank accounts is 94.2%, which is a very high figure compared to other countries. However, compared with other high-income countries or regions, Taiwan’s basic financial behaviors such as lending and saving and digital In terms of financial utilization ratio, the performance is relatively unsatisfactory, indicating that although almost everyone in Taiwan has a bank account, the number of people who use various offline and online financial services is still a minority, especially the lower-income groups and those living in more remote rural areas. The ethnic group in the region is even more obvious, and it also indicates that Taiwan still has a lot of room for efforts in achieving the goal of inclusive finance.\nCompared with Taiwan, South Korea is also a high-income country, and has a 94.9% account ownership rate similar to Taiwan. However, the use rate of various financial activities clearly lists the country’s leading level, showing that South Korea is developing inclusive finance More efforts have been made on the road, which is also a good target for Taiwan to learn. In addition, countries around the world have their own practices in this field that Taiwan can learn from.\nThe purpose of this research is to sort out the degree of Taiwan’s financial performance, compare Taiwan’s data with South Korea, and explore the practices of South Korea, government units and financial institutions in various countries, and find out Taiwan’s inclusive finance Problems in development include the differences between disadvantaged groups and other people in basic financial behaviors such as account ownership, lending, and savings, the backwardness in the use of digital finance, and the significant gap in non-cash transaction channels. Finally, in response to the above-mentioned problems, we propose suitable strategies for solving Taiwan’s problems, including cooperation between government agencies and financial institutions to lower the threshold of financial services, increase the holding rate of people’s accounts through financial technology, and reduce the cost of financial services used by people in remote areas. Local government agencies provide financial education and information, provide subsidies for digital channels to use financial services, and establish basic network facilities.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents論文目次\n\n謝誌 II\n中文摘要 III\n目次 IV\n表次 V\n圖次 VI\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究背景 2\n第三節 研究方法與架構 6\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 普惠金融 7\n第二節 金融科技 22\n第三章 臺灣普惠金融之發展現況 36\n第一節 衡量臺灣普惠金融發展程度 36\n第二節 臺灣數位管道使用金融服務之現況 49\n第四章 韓國與各國普惠金融發展方式 55\n第一節 韓國發展普惠金融之方式 55\n第二節 全球推動普惠金融知名案例 64\n第五章 臺灣普惠金融發展問題分析與解決之道 72\n第一節 臺灣與韓國之普惠金融發展比較 72\n第二節 臺灣普惠金融發展問題 93\n第三節 臺灣普惠金融發展策略芻議 97\n第六章 研究結論與建議 104\n第一節 研究結論 104\n第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議 106\n參考文獻 109\n附錄 113zh_TW
dc.format.extent3107919 bytes-
dc.titleA Study of Taiwan Financial Inclusion Development:Korea as a Referenceen_US
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