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dc.contributor.advisorBai, Ren-Deen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiou, Chi-Fuen_US
dc.creatorLiou, Chi-Fuen_US
dc.description.abstractThe legislative purpose of the regulations on the Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act is to legalize the professional service system of " Rental housing management business" (hereinafter referred to as RHMB) and " Rental housing subleasing business " (hereinafter referred to as RHSB), establish the professional license system for the employees, and implement the business responsibilities of the business operators, so as to help deal with the complicated management affairs related to the rental housing, enhance the trust of the leasing service parties, and effectively assist the leasing parties to clarify their rights and obligations. This study extracts the important contracting factors under the Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act and the implementation of the regulations, such as rent, whether the tenant can declare the rental income, performance management, self -use house tax and Primary Residential land value tax. In order to achieve the development of the housing rental market and the legislative intention of the management regulations, this paper studies the choice characteristics of the leaseholder`s choice of the mode of rent agency, and puts forward some improvement strategies.\nBased on the theory of planned behavior, this study designed a questionnaire to survey the existing lessors. The questionnaire was conducted among the lessors in Taipei City and New Taipei city. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce and reorganize the questionnaire data, and then binary logit model was used to investigate the willingness of the existing lessors to choose RHMB and RHSB. The results show that in the social and economic background, the urban and rural Lessors in Taipei City and New Taipei city are more willing to choose the rent agency mode. The education level of the lessors in New Taipei city is significant. In the RHSB mode, the cognition of the metallic nature of the lease and the feeling of the performance attribute are significant, which means that the more attention is paid to the rent attribute and the more satisfied with the convenience brought by the performance attribute, the more they will choose the RHSB scheme. In the RHMB mode, the cognition and feeling of the performance attribute are significant. It can be seen that the lessors pay more attention to the management, repair, rent collection and collection after the performance of the contract, and they are more willing to adopt the RHMB mode after the actual adoption of the RHMB mode. The lessors who have let the tenants declare the rent expenditure are more willing to support the RHSB mode, which may be because they have previously applied for tax according to the law, the rent income is transparent, and they can smoothly enjoy the government`s suggestions on the RHSB and RHMB policy. From the perspective of subjective norms, we can see that the support of the family and friends of the lessor, the opinions of experts and scholars, the reputable operators, the selected tenants with certain quality and the government`s tax subsidies still have considerable influence on the leaseholder`s adoption of the rent agency model. The research results can be used for reference by relevant government departments and industry in the future in order to predict the choice mode of lessors and improve and integrate the system with relevant departments.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究範疇 5\n第三節 研究方法 8\n第四節 研究流程 10\n第二章 發展概況與文獻回顧 12\n第一節 我國及日本包租代管市場概況 12\n第二節 出租人提供租賃住宅之影響因素 16\n第三節 由法律角度觀察租賃契約影響因素 19\n第四節 計畫行為理論 26\n第三章 研究設計與問卷分析 32\n第一節 研究架構 32\n第二節  問卷抽樣設計 34\n第三節 樣本背景統計資料說明 38\n第四章 出租人選擇包租代管模式模型 56\n第一節 選擇包租代管因素之主成分分析 56\n第二節 出租人包租代管模式選擇模型之建立 68\n第三節 包租代管政策改善策略 73\n第五章 結論與建議 89\n第一節 結論 89\n第二節 建議 92\n參考文獻 93\n附錄一 問卷 98\n附錄二 變數選取表 107zh_TW
dc.format.extent4687524 bytes-
dc.subjectRental Housing Market Development and Regulation Acten_US
dc.subjectRental housing management businessen_US
dc.subjectRental housing subleasing businessen_US
dc.subjectplanned behavioren_US
dc.subjectbinary logiten_US
dc.subjectbinary logit, principal component analysisen_US
dc.titleA study on the lessors` choice of Rental housing management business and Rental housing subleasing business in Taipei city and New Taipei city after the implementation of Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Acten_US
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