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dc.contributor.advisorChen, Tzung-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorJheng, Shih-Haoen_US
dc.creatorJheng, Shih-Haoen_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, air pollution has become a major issue that cannot be ignored in Taiwan. Both the legislature cleared by the ruling party and the referendum that are thought to be related to air pollution prove the importance of the issue. But what exactly is "air pollution"? I adopt the perspective of Actor-Network Theory, through the evolution of laws and regulations, the meeting records of the Legislative Yuan, changes in monitoring equipment, and interviews with key actors to respond to what "air pollution" is and describe the changes in the appearance of it. Looking back at the complex and dynamic process of "air pollution" content changes in Taiwan since 1975, I point out that during the Anti-Kuokuang Movement, Taiwan scholars translated knowledge from foreign public health academia and the promotion of scientific models after localization. According to estimates, reports from media, the mobilization of physician groups and academic communities, the release of the follow-up documentary "Under the Dome", and the normal holding of anti-air pollution marches, "PM2.5" has become the most representative in "air pollution" actors. Pursuing the trajectory of the EPA`s air quality monitoring station and the Airbox, I also point out that the current appearance of "PM2.5" is shaped by the monitoring equipment, laws and regulations, the government, the scientific community, NGO, estimate model, scientific data, government report, air map. Therefore, the "air pollution" in recent years has affected countless actors. This research emphasizes that neither "air pollution" or "PM2.5" is not rigid, and its meaning cannot be seen without its network. Therefore, whether it is governance or improvement in the follow-up, it is necessary to actively review its network and respond to the vital interests of all stakeholders in order to truly negotiate a solution.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents一、 緒論 1\n(一) 遊蕩在台灣之上的幽靈 1\n(二) 幽靈的真身:探究「空污」的核心 5\n二、 文獻回顧與理論架構 7\n(一) 社會運動研究 7\n1. 新社會運動理論 8\n2. 政治機會結構 10\n(二) 公民科學研究 11\n(三) 從「運動」到「行動」 13\n1. 行動者網絡理論 13\n2. 全新的政治行動可能 17\n3. 重返地面的「蓋婭政治」:ANT的基進思考 20\n(四) 更彈性、全面的視角 24\n三、 研究設計 26\n(一) 研究方法 26\n(二) 章節安排 28\n四、 持續變化的「空污」 30\n(一) 《空污法》的變遷:從生煤煙到PM10 31\n1. 法的來處:日本經驗的借鑒 31\n2. 零號目標:生煤 32\n3. 與環境運動的交纏 34\n4. 法規對象的再劃定:責任關係的重組 36\n5. 《空污法》行動者的變遷與位移 39\n(二) 「哥吉拉」的誕生:PM2.5登場 41\n1. 發展思維並未遠去:國光石化開發案 42\n2. 逐漸加大的阻力:PM2.5的模型推估 45\n3. 在地居民的連結:彰化醫療界聯盟 50\n4. 將全台民眾與PM2.5連結起來:「空污2.0」與「反空污運動2.0」 53\n(三) 議場內的代理人 56\n1. 社會福利與環境衛生委員會的組成 57\n2. 將議場與外部世界串連起來 60\n3. 讓協商更加侷促的議場空間 63\n(四) 環環相扣的劇場:從煤煙、空污1.0到空污2.0 65\n五、 以「PM2.5」為名的時代 70\n(一) 空氣品質監測站 70\n1. 監測站的制度來源 71\n2. 監測站的空間、技術與數據配置 72\n3. 與空污專家社群的同盟 76\n(二) 空氣盒子 79\n1. 從一個人到一個實驗室 79\n2. 從一個實驗室到一個社群 81\n3. 從台北到全台灣 85\n(三) 一個空污,各自表述:測站跟空氣盒子的戰爭與和平 89\n1. 「於法無據」的空氣盒子 89\n2. 科學社群與異議學者 90\n3. 測站意料之外的行動者:台灣異質的地理條件 92\n4. 地方政府的多重樣貌 94\n5. 在「PM2.5」的大旗之下 97\n六、 結語:全新可能性的探尋 99\n(一) 不斷轉譯跟位移的「空污」與「社會」 99\n(二) 多元可能的探索 102\n參考文獻 105zh_TW
dc.format.extent5332414 bytes-
dc.subjectAir Pollution Control Acten_US
dc.subjectAir Pollution Monitoringen_US
dc.subjectActor-Network Theoryen_US
dc.titlePM2.5 in Action: An Analysis of Translation of Sociology on Air Pollutionen_US
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