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題名: 日本電力自由化政策過渡條款之分析:以利害關係人觀點
The Analysis of Japan’s Liberalization of the Electric Power Policy: from the Stakeholders’ Point of Views
作者: 陳俊霖
Chen, Chun-Lin
貢獻者: 李世暉
Li, Shih-hui
Chen, Chun-Lin
關鍵詞: 日本電力自由化
Electricity Liberalization
Public utility
the stakeholder theory
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 1-Sep-2023
摘要: 自2011年311大地震福島核電廠發生事故,致使東京及東北地區的電力公司無法提供電力,衍生大規模停電等民生經濟問題,因此,日本一直在審查其電力市場。然而,事故發生近十年後,日本仍然嚴重依賴液化天然氣和燃煤發電。在2016年,日本開放以大型企業為主導的公有事業,期望以電力自由化的方式,活絡並擴大日本的電力市場,透過電力體制改革,努力擴大基載電力,及開展可再生能源發電,以維持日本國內穩定的電力供給。\n本研究將透過學者所提出之利害關係人理論作為基礎,首先,界定利害關係人與政策分析之間的關係,並將其分成四大類,包含:政策受益者、政策犧牲者、政策分析師以及政策制定者。接著,以政策網絡的概念作為研究途徑,觀察政策利害關係人之間的互動模式,最後檢視政策的推行成果、政策績效與其不足之處,以及是否帶來比原先增加的社會總利益。\n本研究發現,日本電力自由化政策過渡條款使電力市場變得更具競爭性和公開透明,提高消費者在電力買賣市場中的議價能力,更加有效率地控制其能源消費和節省能源,可以幫助日本實現更環保與資源配置更加有效率的能源市場。但過渡條款逐漸退場後,政府是否能因應競爭市場中的小型輸配電廠商競爭優勢不再,導致其退出市場,造成電力供給市場的波動;此外,建立良好的電力交易平台,對於買賣雙方相當重要,更是電力穩定供給,不至於造成國家安全問題的重點之一。
Since 3.11, 2011, electric power companies in Tokyo and the Tohoku region were unable to provide electricity, causing large-scale power outages and economic issues. Therefore, Japan has been reviewing its electricity market. Yet, nearly a decade after the accident, Japan still relies heavily on natural gas and coal power. In 2016, Japan opened up public utilities enterprises. It is expected to activate and expand Japan’s electricity market through electricity liberalization to maintain a stable power supply.\nThis study will use the stakeholder theory. To define the relationship between stakeholders and policy analysis, and divide them into four categories. Then, using the concept of policy network as a research approach, observing the interaction mode among policy stakeholders. At last, examine the results of policy performance and its shortcomings, and whether it brings about an increase in the total social benefits compared to the original.\nThis study finds that the Japan`s electricity liberalization policy make the electricity market more competitive, improving consumers` bargaining power in the electricity trading market, and control their energy consumption and save energy more efficiently. However, whether the government can cope with the loss of competitive advantages of small power companies in the competitive market will cause them to withdraw from the market and cause fluctuations in the power supply market; in addition, establishing a good power trading platform is also very important. It is also one of the key points for the stable supply of electricity so as not to cause national security problems.
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