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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 335
12-Jul-2022Public-Interest Requirements of Zone Expropriation in Taiwan李明芝; Lee, Ming-Chih
6-Jan-2022Implementation of a Split-Rate Property Tax in Taiwan林子欽; Lin, Tzu-Chin
6-Jan-2022土地法釋義(一)【增修三版】陳立夫; Chen, Li-Fu
6-Jan-2022土地法研究(三)陳立夫; Chen, Li-Fu
23-Dec-2020面對台灣風險社會:分析與策略徐世榮; Hsu, Shih-Jung; 蕭新煌; 徐世榮; 杜文苓
23-Dec-2020農地變形記:蔓爬於農地的違章工廠徐世榮; Hsu, Shih-Jung; 吳沅諭; 蔡宜錚
23-Dec-2020農地違章工廠的農地環境風險徐世榮; Hsu, Shih-Jung; 林耀東; 林正錺
23-Dec-2020農地受難記:溫水煮青蛙的糧食安全徐世榮; Hsu, Shih-Jung; 廖麗敏; 蔡宜錚
28-May-2020Developer obligations in relation to land value capture in Taiwan丁秀吟; Ding, Hsiu-yin; Lin, Tzu-chin; 林子欽
29-Apr-2020The Effects of Green Energy Production on Farmland: A Case Study in Yunlin County, Taiwan范噶色; Gasselt, Stephan van; Tsai, Yu-Hsin; Lin, Tzu-Chin; Lin, Shih-Yuan; Chen, Chia-Lin; Hsu, Chia-Hsin
29-Apr-2020The Effects of Green Energy Production on Farmland: A Case Study in Yunlin County, Taiwan范噶色; Gasselt, Stephan van; Tsai, Yu-Hsin; Lin, Tzu-Chin; Lin, Shih-Yuan; Chen, Chia-Lin; Hsu, Chia-Hsin; 林子欽
19-Jan-2019Ground Truth范噶色; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Gasselt, Stephan van
19-Jan-2019Exploration Tools范噶色; Gasselt, Stephan van; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Loizeau, Damien; d’Amore, Mario
19-Jan-2019The Terrestrial Planets范噶色; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Gasselt, Stephan van; Hiesinger, Harald
19-Jan-2019Introduction (to Planetary Geology)范噶色; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Gasselt, Stephan van
19-Jan-2019Changes in Housing Policy, Wellbeing and Housing Justice in Taiwan張金鶚; 謝博明; Chang, Chin-Oh; Hsieh, Bor-Ming
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 335