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題名: 考試導向的學習情境下試題預覽學習單對提升國中生英語學習動機與學習成就之效益
The effect of the test-question preview worksheets on promoting junior high school students` English learning motivation and English achievement in a test-oriented learning context
作者: 張琬琪
Chang, Wan Chi
貢獻者: 尤雪瑛
Yu, Hsueh ying
Chang, Wan Chi
關鍵詞: 英語學習動機
English learning motivation
English achievement
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 2-Jan-2014
摘要: 動機雖被認定為影響第二語言及外語學習的因素之一,然而如何在考試導向的學習環境下提升學生內在或自主性英語學習動機的相關研究並不多。本研究依據自我決定理論(the self-determination theory)來設計學習單,用以輔助學生學習學校的一般英語課程,來探討自我決定理論在現行教育環境下使用的效益。此外,學習單的使用是否能幫助學生的成就表現優於其他學生也一併研究。\n 參與本研究的對象為台灣北部一所公立國中八年級兩個班的六十位學生。這兩個班級有相似的社會背景及英語成就表現,並隨機被指定為實驗組與控制組。實驗組可在考試前預覽印在學習單上的試題,而控制組則直接參與考試。本實驗歷時七週,蒐集資料的工具包含問卷、學習單和該學校所舉辦的英語成就測驗(英語段考)。研究方法含量化及質性分析,主要探討學習單對學生的三個英語學\n習動機元素(autonomy, competence and relatedness)及英語成就表現的影響。\n 研究結果顯示高成就學生的主動性(autonomy)及中等成就學生的主動性(autonomy)、自我感知的英語能力(perceived competence)以及與同儕、老師間的相關性(relatedness)有提升。然而,低成就學生的三個英語學習動機元素則下降。另外,實驗組在該學校所舉辦的英語成就測驗的表現和對照組相比並無明顯差異。本研究最後對使用學習單提升學生內在或自主性學習動機在實際教學上的應用提供建議,以作為參考。
Although motivation has been viewed as an important factor that affects second and foreign language acquisition, there isn’t much research investigating how to promote students’ intrinsic or more self-regulated motivation to learn English in test-oriented classroom settings. This study explores this area by complementing students’ regular English classes at school with the worksheets designed based on the self-determination theory. Furthermore, it also investigates whether students with the aid of the worksheets would outperform those not using the worksheets academically. \n For this research purpose, two classes of 60 eighth-graders in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan took part in this study. The two classes with similar social background and English academic performances were randomly classified into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was given a chance to preview the test questions which were printed on the worksheets distributed to them as the complementary material before the tests. The control group, on the other hand, was given the tests directly without the chance to preview the test questions. The experiment lasted for seven weeks, and the data were collected through three instruments, a questionnaire, the worksheets, and a school administered-achievement test. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted to probe into the influence of the worksheets upon the participants’ three motivational components, namely autonomy, competence, and relatedness as well as their academic performance on the achievement test.\n The study results indicate that the worksheets could help promote the high achievers’ autonomy and the middle achievers’ autonomy, competence perception and relatedness, but they did not exert positive effects on the low achievers. Furthermore, the experimental group didn’t outperform the control group on the school-administered achievement test. Some pedagogical implications were presented at the end of the thesis.
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