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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Tso Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Min Kengen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Min Kengen_US
dc.description.abstractThat without qualification of Real Estate Appraiser no one is allowed to undertake appraisal of land, buildings, crops and interest upon them is specified in Article 14 of the Real Estate Appraiser Art. Nevertheless, through the promulgated Letter No. Taiwan-89-Interior-Construction-8910591 on October, 6, 2000, the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior only relied upon Article 16 of the Architectures Act and then roughly and literally explained that architects could still undertake appraisal affairs without the qualification. Such unfounded and careless explanation is full of ambiguity and controversial and has led to a doubt whether an architect without the qualification could have breached Article 14 of the Real Estate Appraiser Art and should be fined according to Article 32 of the Art. \nIn many respects there emerge serious concerns that must be further clarified and addressed. First, from the perspective of legal hermeneutics, what does the legislative intent entail the essential stipulation in the first half of Paragraph II of Article 14 and the exceptive provision in the second half? Moreover, without the mandate conferred by law to make such administrative interpretation, has the executive branch of government gone beyond the scope of legal hermeneutics? Second, from the perspective of filling the loopholes in the law, are there loopholes in Paragraph II of Article 14? Has the provision of the proviso to Paragraph II of Article 14 remedied the loopholes? Next, from the perspective of legal effect, is it necessary to protect the interests of architects so that their appraisal affairs remain even though they are not qualified? Has this kind of protection breached the principle of equality? Finally, from the perspective of new institutional economics, can architects who undertake appraisal affairs cause adverse selection and moral hazard if there are differentiated appraisals to the same case between them and real estate appraisers?\nAll in all, the author has reached some critical conclusions in this article. First, from the perspective of legal hermeneutics, the essential stipulation and the provision of the proviso in Paragraph II of Article 14 belong in separate scopes of legislation. The administrative interpretation made by the executive branch of government has not only gone beyond the scope of legal hermeneutics but also violated the legislative intent to facilitate the safety of transactions of real estate and protect the interests of parties in the transactions. Second, the provision of the proviso is enacted in Paragraph II of Article 14 not for filling the loopholes but only for reaffirming the regulatory difference between the Real Estate Appraiser Art and the Architectures Act because in accordance with the legislative intent the first half of Paragraph II of Article 14 per se leaves no room for loopholes. Ironically, such interpretation creates a new loophole, that is, the provisions of qualification and responsibility for practicing appraisals cannot be entirely applied to whoever undertakes appraisal work. Third, from the perspective of legal effect, in Subparagraph 2 of Article 86 of the Constitution of the Republic of China it is specified that qualifications for practice in specialized professions or as technicians shall be determined and registered through examination by the Examination Yuan in accordance with law. People’s freedom to choose occupations is thus limited under the Constitution. Additionally, whoever has undertaken real estate appraisal stated before the Act takes effects still has time to obtain the requisite qualification in that transitional provisions specified in Article 44 provides reasonable protective measures. Hence, the provision enacted in the proviso of Paragraph II of Article 14 to allow only architects to continue practicing appraisal works not only is unnecessary legitimate expectation but also infringes the Constitution and the principle of equality since architects have no more expectations or interests lost after the Act takes effect than the others. Consequently, the administrative interpretation of Article 14 has simultaneously breached the principles of legal hierarchical structure, legal reservation, proportionality and equality. Finally, in order to justify the theory of new institutional economics, the author conducts an empirical research on the difference of judicial foreclosure appraisals between the architects and real estate appraisers. The result shows that the real estate appraisers not only provide more proper and valuable information of real estate but also incur lower transaction cost than the architects do, and that architects who shall be not held liable for any fine or punishment resulting from violating the Real Estate Appraiser Art indeed generate adverse selection and moral hazard.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究問題與架構 4\n第二章 不動產估價相關爭議彙整 7\n第一節 建築師辦理不動產估價之爭議 7\n第二節 司法實務與學術界見解 13\n第三節 小結 14\n第三章 法解釋論之觀點 16\n第一節 估價師法立法目的理由 16\n第二節 法解釋論之文義、歷史解釋 18\n第三節 不動產估價體系、目的解釋之內容 25\n第四節 不動產估價主體規範之合憲性解釋 36\n第五節 小結 41\n第四章 法律漏洞觀點 44\n第一節 法律漏洞之意義及類型 44\n第二節 法律漏洞補充方法與界限 57\n第三節 不動產估價主體規範之法律續造 66\n第四節 小結 75\n第五章 法規範效力論觀點 79\n第一節 法規範之效力 79\n第二節 法規範之生效要件 84\n第三節 立法行為之界限 98\n第四節 小結 112\n第六章 交易成本觀點與實證分析 116\n第一節 交易成本觀點 118\n第二節 樣本分析 123\n第三節 實證設計與結果分析 126\n第四節 小結 129\n第七章 結論與建議 130\n第一節 結論 130\n第二節 建議 132\n第八章 參考文獻 134zh_TW
dc.format.extent19020845 bytes-
dc.subjectlegal hermeneuticsen_US
dc.subjectlegal effecten_US
dc.subjectlegal reservationen_US
dc.subjectprinciple of proportionalityen_US
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